
Hi all

First post here.

I have recently been put in the list for double hip replacements, has anyone got any positive stories and advice please? 🙂


  • Naomi33
    Naomi33 Moderator Posts: 488

    Hello @NattyB and welcome to the online community.

    Sorry to hear your are awaiting double hip replacements.

    The following link maybe of help…..


    Keep posting others will connect with you soon.

    Best wishes @Naomi33

    Need more help? - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • john62
    john62 Member Posts: 96

    Hi @NattyB

    I'm half way through a double hip replacement and five weeks post op on the first, l found reading the hip replacement diaries on here useful, l have included one also, have a read. Hope don't have to wait too long for your first to be done.

  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 589

    Hi welcome @NattyB I can't give advice on a double replacement but I had my left hip replaced five months ago and can thoroughly recommend it. Thinking about it, if I was to have been waiting for both of them I would feel perfectly safe and ready for the second one now. There are a few people on here, including john62, waiting for a second op so have a look around at some of the diaries such as @Nurina to get more info. Take care.

  • Nurina
    Nurina Member Posts: 483

    Hi. I'm in the list for staged double hip replacement. I had my first hip done in January and I'm waiting for the second hip done who knows when, maybe in a year, but if I had money, I'll ask for the surgery tomorrow because my experience has been very positive. In 4 months, my operated leg feels better than ever in my life. The only problem is that my recovery is a little bit hindered by the pain and lack of mobility of the other leg. It's funny it was my "good" leg until now. Even though, I'm so happy.

    Take care.

  • john62
    john62 Member Posts: 96

    Hi, after my first hip was replaced the OA pain in my other hip seemed to ease off considerably but as the recovery of my operated hip got better and better the pain in my other hip has really started again. Like Nurina it is hindering my recovery to a degree because l still need to use a stick and l limp. Having said that, now my first hip has been done l'm so pleased with my recovery so far l even managed to cut the grass on Saturday. The wound on my hip healed really quickly with no complications. All in all very positive.

  • Bevdav123
    Bevdav123 Member Posts: 60

    Hi I’m 3 weeks in after having my left hip replaced, I was so scared but I don’t know what I was worrying about, I was first down to have the op and I was home the next day. I also need the right hip replaced, I waited nearly 3 years for this one so anybody’s guess how long I’ll have to wait for the second. I can honestly say even though I’m sore the pain I had before has gone, and I can’t believe how far I can move my leg. Will you be having them both done the same time?

  • john62
    john62 Member Posts: 96

    @Bevdav123 l had my left hip done five weeks ago tomorrow, like you l noticed the absence of OA pain almost immdiately. I'm hoping to have my second hip done before the end of this year.