Hopefully starting biologics

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  • jamieA
    jamieA Member Posts: 846

    Hi @H50

    I don't have RA but have psoriatic arthritis so can only give you my experience . I take sulfasalazine, MTX and the biologic adalimumab. I was originally started off on sulfasalazine which didn't work, then MTX was added and the combination didn't work, then the biologic adalimumab was added and the difference was - and is - significant. If my worst pain levels on a scale 1-10 were a 10 then I'm down to a 1 or 2. I'm not cured but I'm functional and can walk my dog 50-60kms a week - albeit with a limp as I need a knee replacement. My rheumatologist describes the 3 drugs working together as 1+1+1>3 or synergistic.

    I know we are all different and that what works for one person may not work for another but for me the change has been significant. Two months after starting the biologic I was able to return the elbow crutches I'd previously needed to be able to walk back to the hospital.

    I hope the biologic works for you.

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  • MrDJ
    MrDJ Member Posts: 328

    As said everyone is different but for me it worked wonders.

    OA/RA/Anky spon started back in 1985 and for 15 years i could not walk unaided. proved the docs wrong that i would be in a wheelchair within 6 months but i could not walk without crutches after 9 months.

    roll forward to 2001 and i was started on 20mg mtx and original Infliximab anti TNF.

    before the infusion i walked in on crutches and my activity markers were ESR 122 and CRP 97 both should be below 10.

    Infusion done and bloods taken and i refused to believe them and asked for more bloods to be taken. second bloods done and they were the same, 7 and 10 and within normal range.

    now the miracle, i walked out of the infusion without my crutches and hardly used them since unless on feet all day.

    Sadly 15 years later my hospital trust change me over to Remsima bio similar. suposedly same drug but made cheaper by competitors. I keep saying its missing something as i used to get a boost the next day but nothing with this but its still working as my bloods are still within range.

    The damage was already done many years before i started TNF but its certainly helped me continue to work and drive.

    Good luck and keep us posted.

  • jamieA
    jamieA Member Posts: 846

    Hi @H50

    Last year I attended the Nuffield Health joint pain course and met a couple of other inflammatory arthritis sufferers who only took a biologic - no other DMARDs. I was so sure it was the adalimumab that worked for me that I asked my rheumatologist if I could reduce my other DMARDs as they hadn't worked either on their own or together. She wasn't for it but eventually agreed I could reduce my sulfasalazine from 6 tablets daily to 5 then to 4. I subsequently had a significant flare and the sulfasalazine was restored to it's original level. She very much believes in the synergistic effect of the 3 drugs in my case and said it was necessary for some people but not all.

  • BettyMac
    BettyMac Member Posts: 217

    Hi H50

    I’ve been on Benepali for a few years. It’s been life changing and for a long time, I could pretty much forget I had RA.

    I just wish I’d been able to have it 10 yrs sooner so I didn’t have to retire prematurely.

    The only downside, for me, is the increased vulnerability to infections; one has to be very careful.

    Hope it goes well for you.

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