Best seating position.


  • Mommabear
    Mommabear Member Posts: 13

    I have arthritis in both knee and hip on the same leg. Finding a comfortable sitting position is getting tricky. Are wedges any good to take a bit of pressure off my hip? Should my knee be below my hip or in line with it? What works for others, open to any suggestions 😄

  • BethJin
    BethJin Member Posts: 5

    I'm also having difficulty with this. My physio has been unhelpful and told me to sit on a cushion. Thank you for mentioning wedges: I'm only just starting to get any help and haven't a clue what is available. Feel really disappointed that the physio didn't suggest a proper aid! 😞. I'm interested in what others may suggest. It's lounging that's most difficult for me.

    I also work at a desk and neither the physio or the occupational health officer came up with any alternatives to a standard office chair or standing at the desk (they approved a rising deal after I pushed for it). So I did my own research and found a saddle chair. This has been a game changer as it allows my hips to be more articulated whilst keeping my weight on the chair I suffer with a loss of referred pain in my back and this chair forces a better upright back position. It's so good I'm currently taking my chair back and forth to the office when working hybridly until I can persuade work to buy me another.