A week post op

I am a retired nurse. Years ago I was diagnosed with sciatica and cervical spondylosis which I had physio for which didn’t help then I was told here’s a prescription for tramadol take it, there’s nothing else can be done. To cut a long story short I did but the toll of shift work on my body was bad and I eventually gave up nursing. I was also diagnosed with osteoarthritis in my hips, knees, spine, feet and hands. I became more and more immobile. Last year I had my first left knee replacement. I came home fine on the pain relief the hospital gave me but it was when I was running low on medication and I tried to reorder with Gp surgery. I was told I could have paracetamol and if that didn’t work after two weeks the would consider cocodamol. I was very upset, the pain was horrendous and I didn’t know if I could cope two hours never mind two weeks! After a terrible night I rang back and spoke to a different doctor who had a totally different attitude, his father had OA. He gave me tramadol. In future I tried only to speak to this doctor. After a year of decreasing mobility further and my knee cap displacing on the left knee cap my surgeon wanted to get on with the right knee replacement so I could have three months recovery then the left knee cap sorting. I voiced my concerns several times to my surgeon and to my GP about the lack of support post op. My GP assured me that even if he was on holiday or for what ever circumstances he would write in my notes that I needed a strong opioid medication post op.
I had the surgery was doing really well and came home with oramorph from hospital. Five days later I contacted the surgery to be told my GP was on holiday and I was offered a phone call from another GP. Again I was offered paracetamol. After much upset she eventually and reluctantly gave me a script for 50 tramadol. I feel so let down and frightened now that I’m going to be left in pain. I am reluctant to have any more operations as I have no trust in community care at all. I’ve been left eking out tramadol and not living as I’m in so much pain. I do mindfulness and meditation and find these a godsend. I prefer heat bags to cold.


  • Ellen
    Ellen Moderator Posts: 1,917

    Good Morning @LillyjayneT

    A very warm welcome to the online community.

    I understand you are a week post your second knee surgery and seem to be struggling with getting support at your GP surgery.

    When is your usual GP back from their holiday? Hopefully it's soon enough so you can take your medication as prescribed instead of eking it out as you describe.

    I have read one or two members here saying that they struggle to get this medication prescribed too @Skinny Keef springs to mind for instance. So you are not alone in having difficulty.

    The NHS are very much under pressure to reduce the use of opioid medications such as tramadol, but I can understand you fear about future surgeries should they be advisable.

    I am sure you will find everyone here very supportive and hope you will decide to become a regular.

    Best wishes
