CTS and Osteoarthritis in wrist - use of splint.

Hi, I had a gardening injury last November after squeezing secateurs too hard. Used left (main) hand but then finished job using right hand. Result severe pain, pins and needles, especially at night. Diagnosis was CTS and wrist OA. So now 6 months down the line. Symptoms greatly reduced but one question about splints. Wore splint from early days at night but main symptom was numbness/PN in middle and ring finger every 2/3 hours. Now with splint do not feel this symptom but have morning stiffness in finger joints. Ring finger slow opening from fist position becomes a 'trigger' (no pain). If I do not now wear the splint I can be woken by mild PN in middle finger/ring finger tips. So am concerned wearing splint after 6 months may be causing the stiffness in finger joints. Is it time to put the splint aside?


  • Naomi33
    Naomi33 Moderator Posts: 445

    Afternoon @Michael512

    I have try hand splints and whilst some days wonderful other days not so good.

    The following link maybe of interest…..


    Best wishes @Naomi33

    Need more help? - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,974

    If I was you I'd be trying to get some medical advice @Michael512 maybe if you can refer to a physiotherapist at your Drs? I can do it myself at ours.

    I can see you don't want to make things worse.

    Good luck🤞


  • Hi @Michael512

    Thanks for your post to the Helpline. Am I right that CTS is Carpel Tunnel Syndrome? We are here to offer you information and support, but cannot give individual medical advice.

    A referral to physiotherapist might support your questions over using splints - and as you talk this over with a GP you may come to a conclusion if a hand clinic referral might be most helpful.

    You'll find hand exercises in the Osteoarthritis of the hand information. If you like watching videos of how to exercise, do see our YouTube channel.



    And if you'd like to talk about your arthritis, you are most welcome to ring us here on 0800 5200 520.

    I do hope this is helpful.

    All the best

    Guy - Helpline Team

  • Moira
    Moira Member Posts: 107


    GP thought I'd CTS but turned out to be OT.

    I had wonderful exercises from an OT/Physio at the hospital Hand Clinic which really help. I only wear my SPICA when my thumbs are causing problems (I have a rt hand and lt hand one). I was told not to wear it overnight by the OT.

    Ask for a Physio/OT appointment at your GP. They are brilliant.

    I'm now awiting the first thumb op - 18 months and told I have another 6 months to wait here in Cardiff!

    Meanwhile Versus Arthritis is brilliant. So look up exercises they suggest.

    Good luck.