If a THR is inevitable, why delay the opp?

I had been having physio for leg, groin and hip pain on and off over the past 2 years which didn’t help me. Eventually the physio ordered an MRI and I was shockingly diagnosed with severe OA and advised to have a THR asap. Very luckily I was referred to a local private hospital under the NHS within a few weeks but the surgeon who saw me said it wasn’t that bad and didn’t require surgery. I tried to tell him I was sometimes in severe pain but he shrugged it off dismissing the physio’s opinion. I really don’t want to offend him by going over his head for a second opinion as he is to be my surgeon in the best hospital in the area. I don’t need painkillers every day yet, I have good and bad days so I’m managing. Surely if a THR is inevitable it’s best to just go ahead. What do other people here think about my situation?


  • Naomi33
    Naomi33 Moderator Posts: 500

    Well have to say I totally agree with you and I would not worry about offending him and go over his head and request second opinion😘👍

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  • Naomi33
    Naomi33 Moderator Posts: 500

    Need more help? - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • If you want a second opinion, you can go to a private consultant that works in NHS too so they can see your NHS xrays or MRI. If they think you need a surgery maybe they can put you in their waiting list. Good luck

  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 772

    Hi @MilkyTea

    My surgeon, at a private hospital, was a bitv dismissive of my hip when i first saw him. He sent me for xrays and an injection and it improved from there. He eventually gave me a shiny new hip ladt Monday and couldn't have been nicer. Bare with him, private surheons have their bad days too but i was fit to cry after my first appointment.

    Good luck

    Trish xx

  • MilkyTea
    MilkyTea Member Posts: 8

    @Trish9556 thanks so much and I hope you’re healing well and not in too much pain. The surgeon did mention an injection but also said they don’t always work. Can I ask how long your wait was between that first appointment and the THR? xx

  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 772

    Hi @MilkyTea thank you

    I first saw him in october last year. Injection november, reviewed december and decision March.

    I think they like to do their own tests and prefer xrays to mris and who can blame them! They also like to know if you get any, even if only a couple of weeks improvement after the jab so make sure you makeca note if if you coukd reduce your painkillers at all. My surgeon said it proved it was the hip

    Recovery ok, no hip pain but have had diarrohea which dr has put down to xhange in meds and body reacting to my surgery. Hopefully tomorrow is better.

    Trish xx