The Journey to a New Hip | a diary, part 1



  • alwayssewing
    alwayssewing Member Posts: 101

    I'm so glad things are going well for you. I'm 13 weeks tomorrow into my second THR.

  • cocoa
    cocoa Member Posts: 14

    on waiting list fir hip replacement can identify with same fears trying to find my own ‘cure’ slowly realising there isn’t one

  • KC1
    KC1 Member Posts: 116

    thanks for sharing @BJG. Post op (although still a way to go like you) it’s easy to forget how gradually your world shrinks pre-op. How those long walks become painful limping hobbles around the house and garden, how running (must admit I did it but never enjoyed it) becomes something you once did; how wave jumping is something you watch your grandchildren do rather than participate with them - the list is endless depending on your individual passions and daily joys.
    But post-op the world seems to open up again and there’s a sense of possibility. Not to be rushed towards but to be embraced as healing takes its natural course. May your recovery journey be full of hope. Thank you for your encouragement