Can anyone help ?

Evening everyone hope you are all ok just wanted some advice with meds i came home with Tramadol after my hip operation on May 22 nd on my chart from the hospital it says about stopping Tramadol after tomorrow ( I can’t take Codine ) is this to soon has any one else had to take it for a while longer to help with pain during healing? It also says stopping Parcetamol if you can I have so much bruising and soreness , just wondering if any one else needed to take meds longer than the hospital chart advised , many thanks


  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 508

    @ozzy62 I had my hip replacement in December and I actually only took paracetamol once I came home as I found the codeine didn't agree with me and I hadn't been given anything else. I managed well with paracetamol although I always knew when my next dose was due as I started to feel a little pain about an hour before I could take my next dose. I actually took paracetamol for a number of weeks on the advice of my physio who said that I would be able to exercise more with pain relief and not to stop too early. I was certainly only on paracetamol after less than a week so maybe worth giving it a try and seeing how it goes and if you need more pain relief getting back in touch with your hospital or GP?

    Take care.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,138

    doctors do not like prescribing Tramadol because it is so addictive. My advice would be if you are in pain and have enough pills then take it until you can get by with the pain without it. Leave enough pills to taper it off gradually as well, which will help you tell in any case how the pain is.

  • john62
    john62 Member Posts: 96

    When l left hospital l was prescribed Tramadol, Paracetamol and also Iboprufen for five days. I found Tramadol much better than my previous pain killer. After the five days l still needed Tramadol more for my unoperated hip than the operated side so l had my prescription changed by my surgery. The downside is that the Tramadol masks what is going on in the operated hip and gives you a false sense that there is no pain when in fact there is. I have found this out when l have missed taking the tablets. I also have OA in both knees which has become more apparent when tablets are missed. If you feel you need to coninue with Tramadol for a while longer insist on having them, it will help you with the recovery exercises.