Are you sitting comfortably ?

HI everyone..I'm new to this forum recently diagnosed with moderate osteoarthritis of thd hips ..trying to follow exercises, take anti inflammatory meds , cope with the pain, I just can't find any advice on what to sit on to help with pain settee and armchair and dining room chairs just absolutely make pain worse ...I end up sitting on floor ..I ordered an osteo cushion..sent it back as too soft ..anyone have any suggestions please ..trying to take pressure off groin when sitting as pain increases all round hip (mainly in left hip) and lumbar region .. thanks in advance



  • Woofy
    Woofy Member Posts: 358

    Hi. Could you ring your GP surgery, I am sure they would have a Physio who could advise. That might be the best place to start.
    it is hard to get comfortable when you are in a lot of pain. Good luck.

  • lizziep55
    lizziep55 Member Posts: 3

    Thanks for response ...unfortunately in the North East where I live the process is where I've had to self refer to tyneside muscular skeletal service who have assessed me and given me exercises..I asked about cushion and was told its trial and error, I asked about shoes to help posture and told same thing ..I asked about whether I could get advice from anyone else and the physio I saw didn't know !! My gp is really helpful but the changes to the system means I am stuck with TIMS until my condition either improved or worsens ...I only managed get an x ray because I went to hospital with suspected heart attack in April (it wasn't...phew) and the wonderful consultant in A and E arranged that while I was having chest x ray they x rayed hips as well. Seems like system totally disjointed and no one stop shop to get help to manage condition when not exercising!! I still work 2 days a week and I've had work based assessment. Was hoping wedge cushion and donut type cushion to try out with new ordered chair would arrive soon but 8 weeks wait !! I was going bring cushions home try in armchair...they're not going to fit properly but might give me idea what to look for online to purchase...its just 'trial and error' advice from physio is ludicrous given their profession ..I've gone from being a very active person to having to try and get through a day without feeling dreadful ..the other advice was pain management group twice a week ..the venue is 2 bus rides away from me and 10 mins walk each way !! so not going .Just need a good plan for everything to manage this condition..I'm swimming once a week going to try tai chi class ..I walk at most for 20 mins but unlike past where I could walk 5 miles I have to get bus back ..using ice packs after most activities which helps ..sorry I'm going on too much ...I know there's people much worse than me and my heart goes out to you..just struggling with diagnosis and worried what future holds, my manager at work sent me home yesterday as could see I was in agony ...I've 3 lovely grandchildren under 7 that I'm not able give them the old grannie who loves racing round the garden with them, playing daft games , walking in the countryside ...its all changed . Think I just needed talk this morning so thanks for reading

  • Anna
    Anna Moderator Posts: 1,074

    Hello @lizziep55 and welcome to the online community,

    It can be a real challenge to find the right seat when you’ve got arthritis- sometimes nothing is comfortable! And unfortunately, what works for one person doesn’t always work for another, so it’s always best to try something for yourself.

    Have a look at the link below from the Versus Arthritis website - it gives you some tips to help you find a chair that suits you:

    Best wishes,

    Anna ( Moderator)

    Need more help? - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • Woofy
    Woofy Member Posts: 358

    Hi lizziep55.
    sorry you are having pain to deal with it’s miserable.

    Have you had a referral from your GP to see a Rheumatologist? I would go easy on doing too much exercise if you in a lot of pain. It might aggravate things especially if your having a flare up with your joints.

  • lizziep55
    lizziep55 Member Posts: 3

    Thanks for your response Woody ...unfortunately gp in this area can't make referral to rheumatology anymore and I have to go through Tyneside intramuscular skeletal service who won't refer upwards unless their recommended exercise programme doesn't work !! I've had experience of TIMS before and sadly most of their physios are trainees who follow set guidelines and you never get see same person twice . I have second appt end of June for review ..I've been told I don't need operation yet but anything like an MRI scan which I think might help identify what's going on is like asking for the moon ..exercise only recommendation so far !!