Not enough hours in the day to take all these meds.

anyone else struggling to fit all the concoctions they have been given into a normal day.

I have some tablets that I have to leave a couple of hours between. It’s mind boggling.

Nice if they could condense it all into one tablet wouldn’t it. Mine would probably look like a satellite dish.😳


  • jamieA
    jamieA Member Posts: 806

    Hi @Woofy

    Between my PsA drugs and heart medication I now take 7 different drugs - plus a bi-weekly injection. I realised early on I couldn't cope with organising this so spoke to my GP. They organised my local pharmacy to supply blister packs - or dosette boxes as the NHS calls them - with each pill arranged in morning, noon, evening and bedtime blisters. So 7 in the morning blister, 3 in the lunchtime and 4 in the evening - with my weekly MTX provided in a separate sealed plastic envelope clipped to the blister pack. I've set a reminder on my phone for each of the times of day I need take them so get an alert to do so as well as for my bi-weekly injection. The blister sheet covers 7 days. The pharmacy delivers 4 weeks worth at a time so holiday periods are normally covered. The biggest issue is getting multiple pills out of a blister without them going in all directions. For that I use a tray with a lip and place a plastic cup on it. I then place the blister over the cup and press it out. If any spill out of the cup they are caught by the tray. If/when I've been admitted to hospital I ensure I take the blister packs with me as they can't normally conjure up the concoction of pills easily or quickly.

  • Woofy
    Woofy Member Posts: 358

    At the moment with the steroids I am taking 10 a day on average, plus I start my Mex injections tomorrow 😳I’ve been told that that’s not a lot by some standards. I bought a pill box with days of the week, and morn, lunch evening, and bedtime on. Some of my meds don’t interact well so I have to leave a few hours between. It’s not fun is it.