My Arthrosamid experience

I have been looking online and not a lot of experience to gain knowledge from so here is my experience. I hope it helps someone. I had Arthrosamid injections in both knees this morning. A little of my history. 50yr old female, 60kg . I used to run, be very active and could walk for miles no issues. Gradually became more painful and running had to stop, however very much on the go still but grin and bearing the pain and adapting what I did to compensate. I also do pole, aerial fitness etc which I am still able to do. I was diagnosed with stage 4 OA patches in both knees and stage 3. Also meniscus tears in both knees and bone spurs. I was managing to walk ok but pain and flare ups more often, stiffness and severe swelling in one or both knees quite often locking if the knees and also had constant baker’s cysts. 
Had MRI to establish the above diagnosis and whilst discussing my results I was told that all tendons and ligaments were good, however past the stage where physio would greatly benefit and the only solution would be TKR: Hyaluronic acid or steroid injections could offer short term pain relief, but not change the outcome of needed TKR. However be there is the option to have Arthosamid or Nstride but I would have better results with Arthrosamid and could possibly delay the need for the TKR for a considerable amount of time if not Imminently. Given the facts that it may only work for 70% of cases. Forward onto today..
The procedure was extremely quick and just a little pain from the local anaesthetic. As the arthosamid was injected I did get a sensation that the knee was filling. I did feel a little dizzy but think that was from the 2000mg dose of antibiotics I had to take one hour before the procedure. All done very quickly and pretty painless. Was told to not do anything strenuous and take pain relief and ice for upto 5 days by which time swelling should go down. Was told that could resume exercise after 2 weeks but needed to let the arthosamid do its thing with synovial fluid and listen to my body. I should have no problem running again etc. Which I was thrilled to hear. After 1 hr I could feel tightness in both knees and a little stinging sensation from the injection site, legs felt heavy. After 4 hours swelling continues and was worse in my left than my right. Seems to be above and around my left knee front and back restricting its movement and quite painful. Right knee slightly swollen. 8hrs later. Painful to walk as the anaesthetic has worn off and needing to ice both knees. Left still very swollen but no worse than at 4hrs. Right knee slightly swollen. I will keep you informed


  • noddingtonpete
    noddingtonpete Moderator Posts: 1,186

    Hello @nobblyknees2 so how are you getting on the day after? Hope the pain is easing.

    Need more help? - call our Helpline on0800 5200 520Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • Thank you! Yes easing. Update.. the night after the procedure was not too bad, but did sleep ok just forgot when moving and cause sudden pain which did tend to wake me up with a start. The following morning. Painful stomach which I think is down to the big does of antibiotics. Knees still stiff but definitely better than the day before. Less pain but still swollen not as solid now and still more in the left than the right. Difficult to do stairs etc but not impossible. Bakers cysts seems to have grown and need to push the back of the knee to bend. I have continued to ice and take pain relief but knee does feel full and can feel stiff when walking but not much pain. Occasional clicks from the tears but no jamming.

  • nobblyknees2
    nobblyknees2 Member Posts: 11

    Day 3

    Better nights sleep. Took Narpoxen before bed. Both knee at still very swollen and stiff. Left knee worse than Right still. Swelling on both knees presents itself all over but mostly above the knee cap on both knees. Baker’s cysts present on both knees and need pushing in to help mobility. Pain subsided significantly hardly any pain just stiffness. Will remove plasters from injection site later. Also I will continue to ice for 20 mins at a time around 4/5 times a day. Walking better but feel more pressure in the knees after a while. Stomach still intermittently cramps but better than yesterday. Hopefully all progressing in the right direction.

  • olivia_b
    olivia_b Moderator Posts: 45

    Hello @nobblyknees2 glad to hear you slept better. I hope you have a good rest of your day and hopefully tomorrow shows even more progression :)

  • nobblyknees2
    nobblyknees2 Member Posts: 11

    Day 4

    Overnight no need for Narproxen. No pain just tightness. Sunday, left knee still more swollen then right. Right knee almost normal in size and more flexibility than left. Able to carefully climb stairs and no need for pain relief during day just icing for swelling. Up and about more today and was able to drive ( auto). I’d say they feel like really good. The only comparison is the feeling that I used to get before the arthrosamid which was when i was having good use if my knees and id been doing a lot, the feeling they were tight as they started swelling.. like I should now rest them in case they get worse. Now after Arthrosamid I can see they are getting better. My left ankle is a little painful , I guess where maybe as I am walking more I may be walking differently to compensate for my knee on that side. At this stage I am confident arthrosamid will continue to improve my knees.

  • nobblyknees2
    nobblyknees2 Member Posts: 11

    Day 5 Monday.
    knees getting better but still feeling of tightness. Equal swelling on both. It has subsided significantly. Right knee seems to have more of a bakers cyst the left. Right knee clicking quite badly but no pain whatsoever ever on either knees. Stairs seem easier than yesterday. At the point where I can forget that I’ve had anything done to them so feel heal h in the right direction.

  • nobblyknees2
    nobblyknees2 Member Posts: 11

    Day 6 Tuesday.
    The feeling of tightness is moving more to a feeling of fullness. Have pretty much full flexibility in both knees albeit feels slightly odd. Swelling minimal and just a little bit of pain. The bottom of my legs are starting to ache a little so not sure why could just be just a re-adjustment. Bakers cysts prominent in both knees still. Still resting, just pottering about doing basics but no exercise as yet. Stairs no problem when taking it easy.. not running up them! Been told not to do any exercise for 14 days following injections. Knees now feel like they did on a good day following rest. With that in mind.. being I have rested once I am doing more another 8 days- I will update. For now I will only update if any changes. Seems to be going well and I am waiting in anticipation for it to fully integrate with the synovial fluid, which I am told can take a while.

  • 14 days since the injection. I am told I can do what/ able I want now. I have been told it’s ok to run etc. However, I am not at the moment my bakers cyst on the right leg is very prominent and and not due to see the consultant for 10 weeks for the 12 week review. There are rehab exercices on the Arthrosamid webpage which I have started to do. I will listen to my body. The knees generally feel tighter but that could be a combination of the injection and not doing anything for 2 weeks. Will update and let you know

  • kitkat
    kitkat Member Posts: 9

    Hi there, just wanted to ask how your getting on as I’m at the same stage as you. 😊

  • 7 weeks in and I still feel a fullness in my knees and feel tight when squatting down yet they are so much better. I have had no flare ups just tiny small twinges. I actually do forget about them a lot of the time where they feel so good. I have been doing the exercises that are on the arthrosamid website which for me have really helped. Just make sure i get the positioning and form correct. I walk effortlessly for over 2 miles regularly and have constantly been going up and down stairs and had no stiffness as previously. Have been wearing heels when going out without issue and also have been running. I can honestly say that it’s like the arthrosamid has turned back time on the damage. Bakers cysts are still there but less troublesome than before. The knees do look a little puffy and seem to dent significantly when kneeling on them, which doesn’t impact movement at all. At the moment I am very happy indeed.

  • Kitkat.. How has your experience been?

  • kitkat
    kitkat Member Posts: 9


    I am pleased to hear your doing well with your progress with Arthrosamid. My experience has been a bit of a mixed bag. I had a bilateral at the end of May. The 1st couple of weeks seemed to be pain at the injection site which is perfectly normal. I would say around week 5 I was feeling less pain in my right knee and swelling was down. However I am now going into week 10 and I seem to have quite a lot of pain in my right knee again. It’s mainly towards the inner side of my knee. I also get pain and stiffness at the back of my knee. My left knee is completely fine, but then again, it wasn’t giving me any pain at all before the injections but an X-ray showed I had arthritis in it so that’s why I went for both. I was really hoping at this stage I was going to feel so much better and able to walk around the supermarket without any discomfort, but unfortunately not the case. I’m not really sure where to go from here now. I have a follow up appointment at week 12 so I will see what the consultant can advise. Any advise from anyone out there will be appreciated.
    I hope you continue on your pain free journey Knobblyknees2 😊

  • louzzer
    louzzer Member Posts: 2

    hi nobblyknnes2

    I’m 12 days post treatment. I’ve been doing a little physio (squats, static bike) I’m just worried now in case I’ve been doing too much too soon.
    Hope you don’t mind me picking your brain. Thank you

  • noddingtonpete
    noddingtonpete Moderator Posts: 1,186

    Hello @louzzer and welocme to the Community. We are a friendly and supportive group and I hope that will be your experience as well.

    A bit of exercise is always a good thing, just monitor what your body is telling you and if you think you are overdoing it stop and rest. Also if in any doubts consult your GP or Physio for guidance.

    If it is your knees you might find the following of use.

    Please keep posting and let us know how you are getting on.

    Best wishes


    Need more help? - call our Helpline on0800 5200 520Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • louzzer
    louzzer Member Posts: 2

    just found this so thank you very much for the advice.
    just over two weeks since injection and my knee feels so much better. Obviously still sore at times so I’ve really just been doing squats. I shall, however, try today to start doing more. Thanks once again