Hip labral tear

Hi all, I wonder if anyone has any experience/ treatment for a hip labral tear? After 2 years and 2 consultants, a hip xray and a mri, I have been diagnosed with a small labral tear, mild arthritis. The 1st consultant was going to do a steroid injection for diagnosis and pain relief but now I have been sent to the 2nd consultant he did the mri and diagnosed a small labral tear,mild arthritis and said he won't do any treatment as nothing is needed? Even though I'm in pain, limp, my hip sometimes gives way, I wake every night in pain. I'm lucky that I have pushed with my gp and their physio and I have a advanced physio appointment next month. I wonder if anyone has any experience/ treatment of a labral tear, as I can't go on like this? I'm 61, just about to have my 1st knee arthroscopy, both knees have torn meniscus, I have osteoporosis and plantar fibroma in both feet, take co codamol and nurofen, apart from this I just get on with life pretty well despite pain, thank you all in advance.


  • Ellen
    Ellen Moderator Posts: 1,866

    Hi @debster

    I wondered whether this would be of any use to you? It's all the threads which mention labral tear:

    Sounds as though you are having a frustrating and painful time I hope the advanced physio can help.

    Best wishes


  • I have a labral tear and was told orthopaedics just leave them so didn't get a refferal. I asked to see a hip surgeon since I'm in my 30s and found there is surgery for them. If the tear is big enough it can be fixed. I was also told this is due to being young . If I was in my 60splus they may not bother as THR would be coming up soon when combined with the arthritis

  • debster
    debster Member Posts: 16

    Thank you Ellen for the links.

    Emma , can I ask if you are in any pain with your tear/ wake up at night and if you are then getting your tear repaired then?

    I think I might be lucky to get a steroid injection until a thr ? I fully understand the difference in age can make to a treatment plan X