I put this in the wrong section trust me

Jewels1973 Member Posts: 58
edited 2. Aug 2024, 08:23 in Chit chat

Firstly can I thank @frogmorton for replying to me when I posted this in the Living with Arthritis section. Trust me to put it in the wrong place I’ve coped and pasted it over sorry it’s rambly again and as always I would welcome any help either by you leaving a comment or if you want to message me that’s great so here goes:-

Hi everyone, hope you are all not in too much pain.

Quick reason I haven’t been on here I nearly passed away in March I got covid shingles and pneumonia all at once didn’t hold out much hope for me I was in ITU for 5 days and in hospital for 11 days I’ve got PTSD now and am on pregabalin for it. (150mg in morning and 150mg in the evening).

Anyway as you might know all my pain symptoms came on all at once in March 2022 and everything pointed to RA even the inflammation markers saw woman privately she thought not and weirdly I went for my NHS appt on the 6th March 2024 on an urgent basis. My whole family came with me, Stew and Dad and within the week we all had covid they were pretty ill but not as ill obviously as me.

Anyway whilst in hospital even though I told them the pain was in my hands, wrists, my back and my legs again only x rays and ultrasound were done on my hands and wrists and the doctor rang me up and said I have early onset osteoarthritis which was a surprise to me.

I’m getting over physically being in hospital but my legs are that sore it’s a struggle to get upstairs and also we’ve had to purchase a wheelchair as I can’t walk any distance.

I was wondering if anyone suffers from osteoarthritis would be willing to share their stories with me and the doctor has sent me to someone for perhaps injections. I use flexiseq on my knees is there anything else that would help?

I’m on wait for it 8 co codamol a day, 8 tramadol a day, 6 nurofen a day, plus I’ve now got a leg infection so I’m on antibiotics for that.

Trying to be as positive as I can be just if anyone out there had the same diagnosis, were you just told the only option was injections just any stories that might help me or just can they diagnose me with osteoarthritis without looking at my back and legs? Does osteoarthritis just show up in the hands etc and they think it will be in other places?

My Nan on my dads had osteoarthritis but she was well into her 70s or 80s when she got it and my mums dad had osteoarthritis and he had to give up work at the age of 59 as he was in so much pain.

I’m 50 just for reference feel like I’m in my 90s at the moment.

Very grateful to have got through the covid shingles pneumonia incident in March so I’m counting my blessings I’m still here even with PTSD. Oh I have heard of diclofenac does that help?

Sorry to have rambled on and hope you are all as well as you can be.

Thanks for any replies.

Julie xxx


  • Ellen
    Ellen Moderator Posts: 1,733

    Julie I have cut and pasted this over into the actual café so your café friends can see it. Hope that's ok.

    Best wishes


  • Jewels1973
    Jewels1973 Member Posts: 58

    @Ellen Thats brilliant thank you I’m on quite a lot of tablets atm and I’m posting it in completely the wrong sections really kind of you to do that. Thanks Julie x