Rib ache left side

I have rib ache under left breast sometimes around the back had a chest x ray recently nothing out of ordinary I have RA well controlled. Mentioned it to Gp they had no idea. Rheumatology not concerned due to low inflammation. I will go back to GP but always seem to be there it gets wearing I have hip pain on left side too ongoing issue over the years. I do pilates and also wonder whether I have irritated it. I have switched to non wired bra as was uncomfortable. Any one any ideas. I have stiffness in left shoulder long standing seen osteopath and physio exercises it's better but never fully not stiff.. ah it goes on…


  • noddingtonpete
    noddingtonpete Moderator Posts: 1,256

    Hello @Welsh1 good that you are mentioning it to your GP and Rheumatology team. Always best to let them know of anything new or different, and of course good to hear them say they are not worried. Maybe it is that you have just irritated something as you say, but always better to be on the safe side.

    Best wishes


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  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,089

    Bless you it sometimes feel never ending doesn't it @Welsh1?

    You gotta go back to the Drs I agree🙄 I have 3 appts myself there this very week! One GP one physio and one long term condition no to mention pap test😣

    Best of luck

    Toni x

  • Welsh1
    Welsh1 Member Posts: 89

    Thanks yes I am on a three appointment week that's without GP reminder to book vaccines the sun is shining positive