Knee replacement query

Last September had an osteoarthritis flare in my knee, (have had OA in it for years), first ever flare, after a few months pain subsided and I can now walk pain free. Saw an orthopaedic surgeon in January and he said I have bone on bone in my knee and to consider injections or a knee replacement. Still walking pain free, has anybody had a knee replacement when they have no actual pain but bone on bone condition?


  • chrisb
    chrisb Moderator Posts: 769

    Hi @Tarym,

    Welcome to the Versus Arthritis forum.

    I hope you receive some useful responses to your question.

    If you haven't visited our website this link may provide some useful information:

    Best wishes


    Need more help - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • jonr
    jonr Member Posts: 425

    I've not had a replacement @Tarym but I did cancel a double TKR in February for much the same reasons, i.e I'm managing my condition well enough to be leading an almost normal life though it'll never be what it was pre-diagnosis. I'm 57 and my Consultant advised putting surgery off until absolutely necessary, not only for the risks involved but also as they don't last forever, particularly for a highly active person like myself.

  • Tarym
    Tarym Member Posts: 2

    Thanks for your most helpful reply, it will help me make up my mind what to do. I’m in my 70’s, still able to walk several miles in a day so don’t feel I want to rush into a knee replacement .

  • Lodgelady
    Lodgelady Member Posts: 1

    Hi, new member to this forum.

    Have had OA in knee for a few years but since January 24 I have been in constant pain. GP said it is a flare up but I do not think it should have lasted this long. Every morning it is the first thing I think about before I get up and then knee gives way to begin with. It is swollen and red and I cannot leave the house without tape and knee sleeve.

    I have had XRay and considered moderate therefore was not offered an appnt with consultant. Have had steroid injection which did nothing. Presently trying exercises that MSK suggested but no improvement.

    Question - should I get private consultation?

  • noddingtonpete
    noddingtonpete Moderator Posts: 1,289

    Hello @Lodgelady and welcome to the Online Community.

    The question of going private is a way of getting a second opinion if that is what you want as to what to do about the pain. These are our exercises which you could try

    Also there are a couples of free pain relief programmes - it depends where you live and if they are near to you. the links are:


    Hope this helps, please keep posting and let us know how you are getting on.

    Best wishes


    Need more help? - call our Helpline on0800 5200 520Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • KJWS
    KJWS Member Posts: 11

    Hi @Lodgelady

    Having been fobbed off on my last couple of visits re my severe knee pain, because my previous x-rays weren’t too bad, I Convinced them I wanted new x-rays and was told the speed & level of deterioration was ‘shocking’. So now unable to walk more than across a room and on 16 week waiting list just to see the consultant that I needed to see over a year ago, then goodness knows how long for the replacement surgery. I certainly wish I’d gone for a private consultation earlier. I’ve got one booked this week and am facing paying for private surgery so I can work.

  • I’ve been having knee problems for over a year but finally went to the doc when I was waking with pain during the night. He sent me for an X-ray and said the results showed age related wear and tear, that awful phrase. He told me to see how I got on and if things didn’t improve, he would send me for an MRI, which showed grade IV OA. I’ve been referred to a consultant who I will see in early September. Oddly enough, although obviously my knee is still very sore, the night time pain has stopped.

  • Bryony
    Bryony Member Posts: 39

    Make sure when you see the consultant's team that you have with you a walking aid - cane, walker, or they may use that as an excuse to knock you off the referral-treatment pathway and reset your waiting clock to zero and it won't start until they see you again (and may not even then if they put you on further 'wait-and-see).