New to this Forum

Hi. I'm new here and I'm looking forward to being part of the Versus Arthritis community. I'm 59 and have both osteoarthritis and seronegative arthritis. I'm finding it hard to not be able to do the activities I used to. I'm sure this will be the same for you all too.


  • Woofy
    Woofy Member Posts: 360


    it is hard having to adjust to doing things differently. It has taken me a while to come to terms with this.

    I still try to do things that I enjoy, but I have learnt to pace myself. ( rest in between) you will find your own way.

    There are some great gadgets out there that can help. I swore I’d never use a walking stick, but I have a thumb stick when I walk my dog, she is arthritic too, so we are a right pair hobbling along some days lol. I reach state pension age in about a weeks time and I never thought at 66, I’d not be as active as I have always been, but I’m still here I am grateful to the rheumatologist who is trying to find medication that will control the pain , a work in progress lol. I am still me, just a slightly slower, wonky version.

  • Baloo
    Baloo Member Posts: 531

    @mokka14 absolutely. There will be activities that still resonate, but life will be somewhat different.