Pre surgery assessment for THR


I haven't written an update because I don't have great news. I had a fantastic left hip replacement in January after living in the hell of pain for years. The right leg was as bad as the other but it wasn't painful.

After two months of recovery, I had a normal life, walking several miles without crutches, doing exercise and being thankful for my luck. My right leg has been working hard to support the operated leg and I suppose that's a big toll for an already damaged leg. A couple of months ago, I started limping again and my Trendelenburg came back. I needed one crutch to go out but then I needed two. I was in bed for two weeks due to a shooting pain I'd never had before. I couldn't stand up without an excruciating pain from head to toe, like electric shocks. I'm better now but I live in pain.

My current situation is I can't walk without crutches even at home.

In my last visit to my consultant he said that, even I'm in the urgent waiting list, "my surgery will not happen this year". I cried like a baby and he was just looking at me saying: "I wish I could do something to help you but things are bad in NHS and we have worse cases in front of you".

I've tried to be positive because I know it's just a matter of time but in my bad days, when I'm in pain and I really can't walk, the thought of waiting another year makes me feel sad and depressed.


I've just received a letter from the hospital with an appointment for a "pre surgery assessment" in August. Does it mean I'm having my surgery soon? What do you think?

Thanks for reading my post. Take care




  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,166

    Oh Nurina I am so very sorry to hear this news.

    Having said that the fact that they are doing your pre-op in August gives me a lot of hope that you won't be waiting a year.

    I bet your consultant has you in mind for the first cancellation they get.

    Everything is firmly crossed for you HUGE ((()))

    Toni xx

  • Thanks @frogmorton Fingers crossed. X

  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 608

    @Nurina Oh I do hope that's what it means. It certainly sounds hopeful. Please keep us updated and take care of yourself in the meantime. Fingers firmly crossed for you 🤞

  • I hope so @Janlyn but maybe it's just an assessment to see if I'm fit enough to be in the list. Anyway, I'll find out soon.

    I can't do much at the moment. I can't go to my workshop but I can do many other things. My consultant said "I'm lucky" because my pain is weight bearing so I'm comfortable when I'm sat on a chair. I'm still on diet because the lighter I feel, the less presure and less pain. I'm doing gentle stretching and some strength exercises with the band. Moving the joint make it more flexible and able to release it when it's stuck in a painfull point. I go for a walk everyday around my home to keep my mental health at bay. I'm lucky I live in the center of town and everything is quite close. Sometimes there are unavoidable things I have to tackle like going with my youngest son to the orthodontist. A 15 minutes way became an hour but I was fine.

    I'll keep you updated because this group is the only one that understands me. I was with a good friend last week and she she kept telling me that I have to do more things because my disability in just in my mind. Ok. It's easy to give these advices when you are healthy and painless.

    Take care all of you. X

  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 779

    hi @Nurina

    Hopefully pre surgery assessment is the same thing as a pre-op appointment which will mean you should have your surgery within 12 weeks. Either way it sounds positive :)

    fingers crossed

    Trish xx

  • Thanks @Trish9556 . I think they are both medical terms for the same and I hope the surgery is within 12 weeks but I'm ready to hear that it could be more. Anything below the 104 weeks of average waiting time in Wales, is fine. X

  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 608

    @Nurina Oh, I know, these good friends who don't get it really try our patience don't they? Fortunately I'm walking further and faster now without limping and so I think most people have forgotten about my new hip.

    I really do hope you've only got twelve weeks to wait after your assessment - I can't wait for you to be in recovery and with two good hips!

  • julesd
    julesd Member Posts: 7

    hi @Nurina

    Really hope that your assessment visit means you get your op as soon as possible. Fingers crossed. With these waiting times it does make me think to suggest op listing sooner, even if pain free, and based on x ray and ROM etc, if you have another hip that likely will need to be replaced. Wishing you well x

  • Thanks @julesd To be honest, I regret all the years I've been on denial about my problem. I wouldn't have reached this point. Waiting times depend on where you live but they are still a lot when you live in pain. if you have the choice, just do it and when they call you, you can decide.

    @Janlyn Many people think I still haven't recovered from my surgery. I really don't like to explain everybody what is wrong with me.

    Take care X

  • @Nurina I really hope that you can have your other hip done soon. I found the same after my first hip was done that my other one became more painful and I struggled with walking.

    Nothing worse than someone who hasn't a clue what you have to deal with telling you what you should be doing.

  • JPT
    JPT Member Posts: 182

    @Nurina I'm so sorry to read that you are in so much pain with the other hip especially after doing so brilliantly after the last op. You were such a great inspiration for me pre surgery and in recovery.

    I do hope that the pre assessment in August means your next op is only a matter of days later.

    Keeping everything crossed for you. Julie xx

  • @alwayssewing Thanks. Living in this unknown realm is horrible, isn't it?. I've canceled my holidays because I don't know what is going to happen. Anyway, it's not like I want to go anywhere with this pain.

    @JPT Thanks Julie. The good experience with the surgery is giving me a lot of encouragement. It's very frustrating to stop again when it had started to be "normal". My consultant said "it was expected" but it's not welcomed.

    Take care x

  • Three
    Three Member Posts: 2

    Hi Everyone,

    I hope you don't mind me jumping in, as I'm new on here, but what I'm reading horrifies me! 104 weeks on the waiting list? I've been waiting to get my second hip done since last August and I WAS praying it wouldn't be much longer! My GP was just given me a short breakthrough prescription for Oramorph! Another year and I'll be addicted! Seriously, I had my first hip done last June but the pain was nowhere near this bad! Maybe it's because of the neuropathy in my feet and legs! I'm in a wheelchair or using a walker, permantly, so I'm not getting any exercise! I'm also in remission for anal cancer and have a colostomy! Plus having emphysema and various other things! I honestly had no idea that things were so bad! I only waited 8 weeks after getting my pre assessment letter last time, so hopefully it'll be the same for you!

    Sorry, after all of this, my name is Moira and I'm 74 years old!

    Moira x

  • Fran54
    Fran54 Member Posts: 283


    so sorry to hear the situation that you are in and you have every reason to feel down. But as you say let's hope that the pre-assessment date is good news. We are here to give you support anytime that you need it. I hope that is some comfort for you. Sending love and hugs.🤗

  • @Three I'm so sorry about your situation, Moira. I hope you can get your second replacement soon. X

    @Fran54 Thanks for your kind words. X

  • Hi all,

    I've received the appointment letter for my THR! It's on November so not far. I'm scared and happy at the same time. X

  • Fran54
    Fran54 Member Posts: 283


    that is good news and now you can start planning ahead. Take care.🙂

  • JPT
    JPT Member Posts: 182

    @Nurina that is good news 😊

    You know what to expect and what a positive outcome it will be. You will truly be able to properly get on with your life again. Wishing you all the best. X

  • Thanks @JPT I know it's an amazing surgery and I'm looking forward to it. My operated leg feels like I've never had any problem before. Unfortunately, my speedy recovery was hindered by the other leg which gave away with vengeance after all the effort done. I hope I can resume the physiotherapy of both legs and get my life back. Thanks god I'm not an octopus with 8 legs! I'm still following you and the other's stories even sometimes I don't post anything. I hope you are fine, with your boat, your bicycle and everything you wanted to do. Take care Xx

  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 779

    Brilliant news @Nurina

    The time will soon fly by - I put myself into hibernation in the 3 weeks before my surgery with strict instructitons to anyone that may be contagious with anything to stay well away from me.

    Trish xx

  • @Nurina I am so happy for you. Getting my second was so good, no regrets at all.

  • Thanks @Trish9556 The surgery will be in winter so I'll stay at home wrapped with a blanket two weeks before 😂. I passed Covid two weeks ago and I hope the immunity lasts until then. I'm happy to read about your fantastic recovery.

    Take care x

  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 779

    Thank you Nurina, i hope yours is just as quick xx

  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 608

    @Nurina what wonderful news - I’m so happy for you!