Crutches for osteoarthritis in my spine ?

Hello, I'm new here and I'm hoping to find some advice about using crutches or other mobility aids. I've been having problems with my back now for 19 years but the last 7 years have been the worst and I was finally given an xray and a diagnosis 2 years ago.

I have really struggled to get doctors to listen to me. In the last several years I have carried on as normal as much as I can around the pain but this last year I'm finding that I'm struggling to do normal things around the house, I find standing for long a problem so i have a seat to use while cooking and walking hurts.

My biggest problem that I'm having is walking any distance, I don't drive and have to rely heavily on walking to be able to pick my children up from school, and I'm really struggling to do that, some days I'm willing myself to put one foot in front of the other and carry on as my husband can only help now and then.

My doctors so far haven't really given much help, aside from medication, there's been no advice or explanation of anything other than try physio, the physiotherapist when I asked about it suggested a walker may be more appropriate for me, but given that my upper body strength is good that cruthes may be ok too.

when would be appropriate to start with mobility aids to help with the pain in my spine and to take the pressure off it ? I have osteoarthritis in my toes and lumbar spine that I know of but highly suspect also in my knees, i also get alot of pain from my sacroiliac joints which mediication isn't helping.

I guess I've always had the mindset that it's doctors who tell you when to use mobility aids and what to use, and I find myself feeling a little self concious about it, but I think my question is, is this a reasonable thing for me to start with ? I worry that I'm overeacting ?


  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 772

    Hi @cakefairy

    Im so sorry to read your post.

    Not sure where you are based but I would suggest you start being assertive and telling your GP you need help. Proper help ir change your GP. Too many GPs dont see arthritis as a real issue. I had to fight to find one who cared and said he would help.

    You need xrays mris a referral to a msk physio who will help you and get you the help and oneward treatment you need.

    The longer they dont care, the worse you get and the more youre going to cost the nhs.

    Make an appointment, in person, keep a daily diary of how you feel, pain levels and what works or doesnt work for you to show the dr when you see them. If it helos, take someone with you to tell it like it is as well.

    Good luck!

    Trish xx

  • Anna
    Anna Moderator Posts: 1,127

    Hi @cakefairy and welcome to the online community,

    I agree with @Trish9556 above - you’re best to discuss your mobility aid requirements with an occupational therapist - it shouldn’t be something you have to decide yourself. You could ask your GP to refer you and I think in many health authorities you might be able to self refer. Perhaps you do an online search for your authority occupational health department and find out the best way to go about things. You might find other aids that you’d never thought of but will make your life much easier.
    Here’s some information from the Versus Arthritis website that you might find useful:

    Best wishes,

    Anna ( Moderator)

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