5ths disease arthritis

hello, I am 29 years old and our household just went through 5ths disease/parvovirus/slapped cheeks disease, and I was the last one to get it and it’s left me with arthritis. I’ve researched and researched but am feeling pretty hopeless. Is arthritis from 5ths common? Is it going to last forever? Is it an autoimmune condition? Any other tips/advice out there for me? 
Thank you!


  • jamieA
    jamieA Member Posts: 840
    edited 8. Jul 2024, 07:30

    Hi @mamatofour

    Have you been seen by a rheumatology/orthopaedics? I think they would be the best people to answer your questions. However there are a number of people on this forum who have reported their arthritis appeared after another medical event - though I don't think I've seen a reference to parvovirus here before.

    In my case I'd most probably had covid in March 2020 and didn't really make a full recovery as I continued to have chest infections throughout the rest of the year. In September 2020 the first signs of joint problems appeared and by October I was diagnosed with immune mediated inflammatory disease - psoriatic arthritis in my case.

    I think you really need to talk to a health professional who is an expert to get a proper answer to your questions. I think your GP might be able to give some help but an urgent referral to rheumatology or orthopaedics - depending on what type of arthritis you've been diagnosed with - would be the better option.

    I hope you get help soon.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,107

    Sending ((())) from me and hoping that you have 'seen someone' maybe rheumatology like Jamie suggested or at least a kind supportive GP.

    I have heard of reactive arthritis, in fact it is not uncommon here. Arthritis following on from an infection - maybe this is what has happened for you.

    Are you receiving any treatment I wonder because the pain from reactive arthritis is like any of the inflammatory kinds and very very painful. I hope you aren't struggling too much.

    We can offer lots of tips to help in the meantime like using heat or icepacks to soothe sore joints, and keeping moving even if only gentle range of movement exercises.

    Take care

    Toni x