Blood results.

hi peeps.
wonder if any of you could reassure please.

As you know I was introduced to a new tablet to take along side my metject.

On my recent blood test, it shows that something is raised to do with the liver and kidney.

The GP surgery rang to inform me of this. They want me to repeat this b/t in 6-12 weeks.
I am still have two weekly b/t then monthly until I return to Rheumatology in August.

I am a little anxious about this, because it must be connected to the new tablet Leflunomide.

Should I let the rheumatologist nurse know? or will my GP surgery make them aware.



  • jamieA
    jamieA Member Posts: 815

    Hi @Woofy

    If I were you I'd call the rheumatology clinic just to be on the safe side. I know that in the past the communication between my hospital consultants and my GP were not always done.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,882

    My ALT has more than doubled due to meds change and like you am to continue and repeat bloods in 3 months so you have my sympathy.

    I am presuming they are not far outside of 'normal' for you or they would stop treatment immediately.

    In your case of course you are having 2 weekly bloods anyway still so if it continues to rise 'they' should contact you again.

    As @jamieA says communication within the NHS isn't always great so if you can get hold of Rheumatology easily enough maybe you could?

    Take care Woofy ((()))

    Toni x

  • Woofy
    Woofy Member Posts: 358

    Hi Toni.

    Rheumatology nurse is ringing me tomorrow afternoon. I had more bloods taken on Wednesday.
    she said she would be able to see how the bloods are two weeks on from the last lot. She did say I might have to stop both Mex and Leflunomide. Just as I thought we were getting somewhere. I am a bit fed up and disappointed, but understand that these things happen. Were you able to keep going with your meds?

    The nurse said I did the right thing calling, as now they are aware, they can monitor things. I apologised, as I always feel like I am a bother, but she assured me that’s what they are there for.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,882

    Well done Woofy and don't worry too much about progress there are lots and lots of other DMARDs other than MTX and they can try it doesn't sound to me as though they have given up on you yet.

    Just in case you do have the odd tipple might be best to avoid that before any blood tests too.

    Sending ((())) and lets see what the next bloods show fingers crossed🤞

    Toni x

  • Woofy
    Woofy Member Posts: 358

    thanks all. Last weeks b/t results all ok. Rheumatology nurse thinks a blip, so to carry on for now.

    Not a drinker anyway Toni lol.😊

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,882

    Big PHEW!!!!!

    Woofy i am relieved for you☺️

    Toni xx