Introductory post PsA and Methotrexate

System Administrator Posts: 47
This discussion was created from comments split from: Medication.


  • Hiya I'm Ryan

    Today at the hospital I basically got diagnosed with Psoriatic arthritis after a year with still going to work with constant pain. So after getting checked out and referred to the hospital today. I got given METHOTREXATE to take 6 pills one day for every week til they can get the dosage right.

    WasWas to see if anyone else has had this and see how they got on with this medication and going to get bloods taken every 2wks also?

    Thanks for reading


  • Ellen
    Ellen Moderator Posts: 1,879
    edited 16. Jul 2024, 07:42

    Hi to you too Ryan @Ryan_MCM83

    I have split your post from the discussion it was attached to as I think labelling it with Methotrexate and Psoriatic Arthritis should get you more relevant replies. I hope that's ok with you.

    I see from your post that after a year of constant pain you have finally been diagnosed with Psoriatic Arthritis (PsA) and been prescribed Methotrexate (MTX).

    You will be reassured to know that many many of our members also take this medication it is considered one of the best treatments for inflammatory/autoimmune Arthritises.

    This is some information about Methotrexate from the main Versus Arthritis website:

    I hope it's helpful.

    Best wishes


    Just adding a link to this thread:

    Two other people also recently diagnosed with another inflammatory type of arthritis some of their experiences might resonate with you.

  • jamieA
    jamieA Member Posts: 841

    Hi @Ryan_MCM83

    I think you'll find there are quite a few of us on here with PsA and even more people on MTX. I was diagnosed with PsA in 2020. I was initially prescribed sulfasalazine and then 4 months later 15mg MTX was added which was then upped to 20mgs. That didn't work for me and the biologic adalimumab was added 5 months later. The combination of the 3 drugs has worked for me. Since everyone is different I think there is a lot of trial and error to get to a working prescription. Although initially my blood tests were every 2 weeks the drugs didn't adversely affect my system so the frequency of blood tests dropped successively until mine are now done every 3 months.

    Have you also been prescribed folic acid to take on the days of the week you don't take MTX?

    I hope the treatment works for you - it has for many on here.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,149

    Yes @jamieA is quite right loads of us here take MTX so any problems @Ryan_MCM83 just shout one of us should be able to help.

    I was actually going to ask the same thing about folic acid - it can mitigate any side effects although to be fair alot get none at all.

    Your bloods frequency will get less and less over time.

    Take care you are in excellent company if I do say so myself 😊
