Travelling with biologics

Hi all.

I am new here! It's lovely to find a community to chat and share with.

I am 61, live in Mid Devon, I have psoriatic arthritis and was medically retired a year ago due to pain and stiffness, particularly in my hands and wrists, and hips and feet.

It's only now that I am settled on my biologics (Benepali) that I can even think about travelling. So far, the medication has been a complete game changer for me. Although I won't get back the same strength and grip etc, I can now sleep and manage simple tasks. This in itself feels like I have got my life back!

I have been lucky enough to be invited by family members to visit Australia! And I am so excited, but a bit nervous about the long flights and how I will manage. But I am hoping the warm weather there will be a bonus on top of seeing family that I haven't seen for 12 years!

Any advice would be very welcome!

My question is about a suitable cold bag for my benepali injection pens for travelling.

I see there are some recommended bags that guarantee to keep cool temp for up to 36 hours, but they cost around £80 - £90! My rheumatology nurse advises against using on-board fridges.

I wondered if anybody knows of a company that rents these bags out? Or if anyone already has one they would rent out or sell? It needs to be big enough to hold 10 pens.

I am in the South West.

I would love to hear about what all your tips are for making a trip like this manageable and enjoyable!


  • Ellen
    Ellen Moderator Posts: 1,728

    Hi @sallygee a very warm welcome to the online community.

    Your post is lovely and upbeat and so good to read about someone doing so well on Benepali.

    Even better to hear you are considering a fantastic once in a lifetime trip to Australia!

    The subject of travelling with biologics does indeed come u from time to time as you can imagine. I have therefore done a 'search' for you on the subject:

    Hopefully someone will come along and share their own experience with you.

    I'm sure the weather will be an added bonus.

    Best wishes


  • sallygee
    sallygee Member Posts: 6

    Hi Ellen!

    Thank you for doing that! Interesting reading. - I can't believe I'm the only one to be looking at these cold bags?! Will continue the search!!

  • claudsl
    claudsl Moderator Posts: 45

    Hi @sallygee - I am so glad you have found medication that is working well for you, and what a fantastic opportunity to travel to Australia. How long are you planning on going for? Also, how often do you inject, is it weekly or monthly?

    Claudia x

  • sallygee
    sallygee Member Posts: 6

    Hi Claudia,

    Thank you! Yes, I am so looking forward to the trip!

    I inject weekly, so will need to take 10 pens with me. There are bags available to take that many, I just thought it was worth finding out if they are rented or sold seond hand, as they are quite expensive, and doubtful I will use it again!! There must be lots of us buying these bags for one use?


  • claudsl
    claudsl Moderator Posts: 45

    Hi @sallygee

    Ah yes that's a lot of pens to take so you want to make sure they are well looked after. Unfortunately I don't know of anywhere to hire them but if you had a good look I'm sure there would be people who are selling them who had got them for a similar situation as yourself.

    I hope you get sorted and have an amazing trip away!

    Take care, Claudia