Private referral

Hi everyone. I have been referred to rheumatology but the waiting list is apparently 3 months plus!

Has anyone gone private for that initial consultation please ?


  • Naomi33
    Naomi33 Moderator Posts: 485

    Morning @aseamark and welcome to the online community.

    I enquired at the beginning of my journey but was over Christmas period and the NHS appointment came in before the private one in the New Year so I cancelled private appointment.

    But yes definitely considered and would again but obviously upto you at the end of the day and your personal circumstances.

    Good luck @Naomi33

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  • jamieA
    jamieA Member Posts: 839

    Hi @aseamark

    Like @Naomi33 in the very early stages of my illness, just after I'd been diagnosed by an A&E consultant, I booked a private consultation with a rheumatologist but before it took place the NHS consultation came through. When I was looking for a private rheumatologist virtually all the doctors that came up also worked in the NHS. In fact I googled my first NHS rheumatologist when the NHS letter came in and the page that came up referred to his work address being the local private hospital. If I remember correctly the first private consultation was to be about £200.

  • aseamark
    aseamark Member Posts: 4

    The average cost is £250 for a private consultation but judging by my research it is unlikely that I would get a diagnosis at this appointment. Therefore the cost could be much higher. I think I will just have to be a patient patient !

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,096

    I was diagnosed @aseamark at my first appt (NHS).

    Even though by then I had waited about 12 weeks (this was 2008 so getting appts has never been easy sadly) and the swelling had greatly reduced. I was also started on medication at that appt.

    I have found follow up appts the most difficult to get recently.🙄

    Hope you don't have to wait too long.

    Toni x

  • Arciere
    Arciere Member Posts: 85

    Hi @aseamark

    Yes, I started my diagnosis journey privately.

    I had three or four private appointments I think - along the lines of;

    1) was additional bloods (to those completed by my GP), X Ray, Ultrasound and a physical examination

    2) was the diagnosis meeting and first prescription

    3) was a medication review and change

    I then went to the NHS because the private prescription became unaffordable (there is a process I think where a private prescription can be prescribed by your GP but I found this really difficult and no one knew what to do - essentially the GP could not prescribe what the Private consultant had written up and the pharmacy wanted an utter fortune for it.

    I would also say that my NHS Consultant was better than the Private. However - I believe some Private Consultants also work for the NHS so luck of the draw maybe.

    Hope this helps