Knee injections

hello, recently diagnosed with osteoarthritis of the knee, given some exercises to do, was also offered a quarter zone injection, to see if that helped, next stage would be surgery, anyone had this injection or know anything about it.


  • Anna
    Anna Moderator Posts: 1,134

    Hi @youngbob and welcome to the online community,

    You might find the following information about steroid injections from the Versus Arthritis website useful:

    Several of our members have had steroid injections and they seem to give temporary relief. Here's a recent thread where they are discussed. Other members may also have experiences to share:

    Anna (Moderator)

    Need more help? - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • SoniaR
    SoniaR Member Posts: 68

    I think you mean cortisone steroid injections, unless autocorrect went mad as usual! I’ve had several in my knees. They affect everyone differently, but with me the pain killing affect only lasted 3 weeks and you can only have so many a year. Others may have had longer relief. I have also had a nerve block and that didn’t work at all. Consultant said it works for 50% of people, so may be worth trying. It was the Orthapaedic doc who arranged it. Sometimes surgery is the only answer for serious pain.

  • youngbob
    youngbob Member Posts: 3

    Thanks for reply and information, i have a appointment with my doctor booked, i will ask him about the nerve block which i haven't heard about before, other than that a knee replacement might be my only option.