Blue badge

Hi, I apologise in advance for the long post. I understand different local authority's have different rules on getting a blue badge, but would be grateful for any advice . I'm not sure how it's assessed, as I don't claim benefits, I'm trying to manage without a stick, but find I'm in pain when I walk any distance and I need to rest quite regularly before I can walk again. I'm now finding I need to open the car door wider than I did due to CPPD (which I've had for 3 years) in my knees and mild to moderate OA in my hips and pelvis which was diagnosed recently. So I'm not sure if I fit the criteria and if it's worth applying , so any advice would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.


  • Eeyore
    Eeyore Member Posts: 37

    Go for it! I was like you, unsure if I qualified - I was diagnosed with acute onset sero positive R.A. 6 months ago and I have difficulty walking more than a few yards. I need a stick for safety. My neighbour (a retired nurse) encouraged me to apply for a Blue Badge so I contacted my local council, filled in their online application form and was relieved and delighted to get my Blue Badge a few weeks later! You don't have to be on any benefits to qualify, it doesn't matter what age you are. Check out the form on your local council website, fill it in - and good luck!

  • SoniaR
    SoniaR Member Posts: 68

    I applied several years ago due to increasing OA pain. Even standing is painful for me let alone walking. Firstly it is based on your medical issues, not the benefits you’re on or means tested. If you receive PIP or any other disability benefits you qualify immediately, but even if you don’t you can still apply. It sounds like you need a stick. Do not be ashamed as it will help your balance and is one more reason you can get a Blue Badge. Get all your medical info together first such as info on diagnosis etc before you start filling in the form. I understand they will contact your GP or Consultant just to check it is all true 😊. Go for it, you have nothing to lose and it will be a great help to you. Good luck.

  • Poppyjane
    Poppyjane Moderator Posts: 866

    Hello @Eeyore welcome to the online community,

    Apologies @HCAcomm1 for high jacking your discussion. It is great to have a first time poster offering support and information so thank you @Eeyore .

    You mention that you have seronegative RA and have difficulty walking more than a few yards , which came on six months ago. It sounds like life has changed considerably for you in this short time. You have contacted your local council for a Blue Badge successfully and wondered if you have investigated other forms of help and support that they can give? I attach some links for your interest.

    We are all being encouraged to exercise to keep our muscles and joints as mobile as possible. Many of our members have found the stretching video exercises and the Lets Move videos really helpful. You can assess how much or how little you can do and if you start gently and persevere you will notice a difference after a while. We hope you give them a try.

    Thanks again for your information about Blue Badges.

    We hope to hear from you again soon

    Best wishes


    If it would be helpful to talk to someone ring the Helpline 0800 5200 520

    Monday - Friday 9.00a.m. - 6.00p.m.

  • HCAcomm1
    HCAcomm1 Member Posts: 18

    Thanks, I have trouble using a stick as I also have OA in my hands and wrists so I find it painful to use a stick. I don't receive PIP, so I need to apply with medical evidence. I can take screen shots of my medical notes and prescriptions and hope this helps. I saw the physio a couple of months ago and he gave me exercises, but the pain in my knees/hips has got worse in the last couple of weeks, so I think I may try to get another appointment with him and hopefully his input might help.