Methotrexate and tea

hi, I’m recently diagnosed with RA and I’m due to take my first dose of Methotrexate tonight. I’ve read in the leaflet that it says avoid coffee, caffeine drinks and black tea. Just wondered if black tea means tea without milk (which is how I drink it) or if I can get used to my fave Yorkshire Tea with a dash of milk. Or do I have to start drinking herbal and green tea? Any advice? Thanks 😊


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    I drink tea.

    They mean black tea (what we tend to drink in the UK) rather than herbal/fruit or green tea.

    Yes it applies to tea with milk, but I think pretty well everyone drinks it still just not in vast quantities.

    Maybe change to decaf like I have? the Yorkshire brand tastes exactly the same.

    take care and good luck!

    Toni x