Causes of reactive arthritis

New here and lots of questions. Thanks for bearing with me. From my early research, I’ve been alarmed to read that STIs are the top of the list of causes for reactive arthritis (along with gut issues/food poisoning). This has left me really upset and confused. I have been in a relationship for 20 years. I’m not aware of having had food poisoning. I was unwell a couple of weeks ago with swollen lymph nodes, so some infection somewhere. I had a bad UTI a couple of months back. My question is, surely there are other causes of reactive arthritis? Feeling confused x


  • Loggiemod
    Loggiemod Member Posts: 240

    Hi @Kate40 mine was triggered by an allergic reaction - we think to washing powder, so the cause can be any number of things. Luckily after a few months I was back to normal but certainly a scary time.

    Hope yours improves soon.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,148

    Morning @Kate40

    I know when I was first diagnosed (and is your diagnosis only by a GP yet?) I was extremely offended as whether I'd had an STI was one of the first question they asked me!!!! I think the rheumatologist was trying to eliminate options.

    He then tried Palindromic rheumatism before settling on sero-neg RA.

    It's early days for you so bear with, but I think I read in another post you are being expected to wait 2 weeks to return to the GP? If so hopefully you'll be referred to Rheumatology then. Definitely make thorough notes about what is happening and when. Take someone with you if you can I took my brother to the GP then husband to rheumatology. They are way less likely to fob you off.

    Take care

    Toni xx

  • Kate40
    Kate40 Member Posts: 12
    edited 6. Aug 2024, 08:47

    Thank you both so much @Loggiemod funny you should say that. A couple of weeks ago I thought I’d bought what was fabric softer but it was detergent, so we’ve been doubling up on that and myself and my son have had a rash for the last couple of weeks. That said, there is def an infection of sorts with the temp I had and lymph nodes raised.

    Yes, @frogmorton, back in two weeks. I really hope this passes quickly. Shocked it’s come from nowhere overnight. Hope you are both well now.

    Typing this with swollen sausage fingers x

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,148


    I woke up 'stuck' in the position I had slept in unable to straighten out the night before all seemed 'normal' so I get how shocked you must be feeling. I couldn't even tolerate a sheet on me the pain was so bad,

    I get a fever when my arthritis is flaring not very high just a fever. Take photos of that rash too it could be relevant and it might not be there when you see someone next.

    I hope you'll let us know how you get on.

    thanks for asking I have everything under control now 😊

    Toni x

  • Baloo
    Baloo Member Posts: 531
    edited 6. Aug 2024, 20:17

    @kate I would blame trauma for arthritis maybe even exertion. Unfortunately I found the physicians were a bit quiet about the idea of such causes and in the end the rheumatologist dismissed it, maybe they don't want to apportion blame or something, and there it has remained.

  • rachn
    rachn Member Posts: 1

    Hello @Kate40 - I realise your post is now a few months’ old but I seem to have got reactive arthritis (working diagnosis) having had cellulitis in my lower leg. So I guess any kind of infection can trigger it (?).
    I had severe reactive arthritis and was admitted to hospital for 10 days, had knee washout under general anaesthetic and put on high dose IV antibiotics. Now been out of hospital for 2 weeks. Still off work, struggling with mobility and incredibly tired. How are you getting on with your symptoms? I have no idea how long it might take to recover so am very keen to hear others’ experiences.
    I saw a rheumatologist once when I was in hospital and am now waiting to see them as an outpatient as I was discharged under care of orthopaedics not rheumatology (rather unhelpfully!).

  • Ellen
    Ellen Moderator Posts: 1,879

    Hi @rachn

    I hope you'll get a reply from @Kate40 soon, but just wanted to welcome you to the online community. She should get an email prompt that you have mentioned her on her thread.

    In the meantime I wonder whether this information might be of interest to you?

    Here's hoping your rheumatology appointment comes through quickly and that you make a good recovery.

    Best wishes
