Hospital update

I received a text from the hospital 2 days ago to say I have now been placed on the non urgent Sub Orthopedic physio clinic, waiting list.

I am on the non urgent

waiting list for Hip and knee replacements, whichever comes first i guess

I was wondering if this is normal, having physio before finally going into hospital.

And also if anyone else on the forum has had this.

Thank you in advance


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,789

    Yes definitely it's a new and really good thing used to be called 'joint school' I think. Pre operation exercises really can help with recovery.

    Anyway @violet46 well done getting on the list a step in the right direction 😊

    Best of luck

    Toni x

  • jamieA
    jamieA Member Posts: 795

    Hi @violet46

    I'm on a waiting list for a knee replacement. I had an appointment with orthopaedic consultant earlier this week about my hand as I've had recurring trigger finger. When he was done with my hand we got talking more generally about my knee replacement. He's not my consultant for my knee but he did say that he could see even through my trousers that I had lost muscle mass in my thigh and calf. He suggested I self refer to physio to get exercises to build up these muscles in advance of surgery as it would reduce recovery time afterwards.

  • KC1
    KC1 Member Posts: 111

    this is definitely a good thing. In some areas it’s known as ‘pre-hab’, in others pain clinic and is a really important part of getting ready for surgery. It helped me with pain management and post surgery I have felt the benefits. Good luck

  • julianm1
    julianm1 Member Posts: 1

    I have very recently had a knee replacement and the physio before the operation was deemed to be as important as afterwards. I'm now in week 3 post op, and although my knee still hurts a lot I have been able to reduce the analgesics a little. But, as the surgeon and consultant have said, physio is very important, and the ice packs, and so far as the pain relief is concerned, "don't be a martyr"!

  • violet46
    violet46 Member Posts: 26

    Thank you frogmorton I was hoping that it was a sign that operation might be getting closer, now I look forward to hearing more from Hospital.

    lynda x

    Hi jamie A I hope you get your knee seen to soon,I am lucky that I don't have arthritis in my hands,it must be hard for you, when we are using our hands all the time.

    Thank you for your reply.

    Thank you KC1,I am quite looking forward to it happening now, I'm glad to see it has helped you.

    Thank you julianm1,I hope your knee replacement gets less painful soon, but I suppose these things take time I have to have knees done as well as hips,it will be interesting to see which will have to be done first.

    At the moment the Hospitals here in South Australia have had to post phone non urgent elective surgery due to seasonal flu and covid, and not being enough beds available.