Swollen legs

Norny Member Posts: 55
edited 11. Sep 2024, 09:59 in Living with arthritis

I had a right hip replacement on Friday both my legs are swollen worse on the operated side. I have to inject myself each night with anti blood clotting medication for 28 nights. I also have to wear compression socks for 28 days too. Is it normal for both legs to swell? I have no symtoms of infection. Hip wound healing well.



  • PJoanne
    PJoanne Moderator Posts: 125

    Hi @Norny

    I'm not sure, it seems there might be a few reasons for legs to swell. I would follow this up with the hospital, your GP or ring 111 and get an explanation or treatment if needed, explaining that it bilateral not just one side.

    Here is general information about hip surgery.

    Best Joanne

    Need more help - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • shacklock25
    shacklock25 Member Posts: 30

    I had a hip replacement five weeks ago on the left hand side. My left leg is still swollen. I went to the GP and he was concerned it might be a blood clot and referred me to the local hospital. After a scan it was found I didn't have a blood clot. It does say in the literature that you can have severe swelling in the operated side leg for some time after the operation. I have always been prone to ankle swelling and feet swelling in hot weather or after a car journey. I think as long as you feel well you shouldn't worry. And the fact you're on blood thinners should prevent any blood clots. If you are worried, see your GP.

  • Fran54
    Fran54 Member Posts: 237

    Hi @ Norny

    I had my right hip replaced 9 weeks ago and also have swelling in my right lower leg/ankle area. I was told that the swelling could take up to 3/4 months before it improves. I still have slight swelling and it is gradually improving, but my left leg is fine and only had a compression stocking on that leg. Regarding the swelling, I was advised to elevate my legs twice a day which does help. I also had to do daily blood thinning injections which help reduce the risk of blood clots.

    On discharge from the hospital were you given a contact number if you had any worries/problems? If not it would be best to contact your GP. Hope that you are improving slowly day by day.

    Take care.🙂

  • Baloo
    Baloo Member Posts: 483

    @Norny I kind of agree with @PJoanne that the causes might vary.

    I think somehow arthritis and swollen limbs seem to go together in some way, and maybe others will agree or disagree. I don't recall having any swollen limbs before arthritis.

  • Norny
    Norny Member Posts: 55

    @shacklock25 @Fran54 @Baloo thanks for responding to me think it's just normal post op swelling , feeling fine no tempeture etc, lay down today with my feet elevated couple of times and the swelling has went down a bit. I contacted the hospital the nurse said speak to your GP, they were closed yesterday afternoon. Couldn't face going to A&E and that's what doc may suggest. Due to get staples taken out on Monday will mention to treatment room nurse.

  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 494

    @Norny good to hear you've spoken to the hospital and you'll get the chance to talk to your nurse on Monday.

    It is always worrying to wonder whether something is normal or not after surgery. I found my operated leg was swollen for some time, especially between my hip and knee. My other leg was swollen around my ankle and knee for some unknown reason. Eventually it all sorted itself out and I hope yours does. I didn't have compression socks but had the injections and aspirin which gave some comfort.

    Good news that you are feeling well though. Take care.

  • Norny
    Norny Member Posts: 55

    @janlyn I think part of the problems is wearing the compression socks all day every day. My neighbour who works in an orthopedic ward said they don't give them out now. I went private as the waiting list was four years and I couldn't stick the pain any more. Will ask about taking them off for periods of time each day. Do you know can you gave a shower after you get your staples out? They said had to wait until then.

  • alwayssewing
    alwayssewing Member Posts: 68

    @Norny I've had both hips replaced this year, the last was in May. I didn't shower after the first one till the clips came out, just washed every day . After the second op I didn't shower for the first week. I had a shower proof dressing on both times . Getting in and out of the bath to have a shower was scary even with an electric chair.

  • Norny
    Norny Member Posts: 55

    @alwayssewing can't wait to get a shower did you use waterproof dressing after or do you not need to use any more? I had my hip replaced last Friday felt was doing great, doing my excercises/ walking etc. My leg now is very stiff and have glute pain. Feeling a bit fed up at mo.

  • alwayssewing
    alwayssewing Member Posts: 68
    edited 1. Sep 2024, 08:52

    I didn't take it off apart from changing it once. I just showered and it stayed put. Very good adhesive but no pain to take it off. Do not let the wound get wet while it is still fresh. Don't overdo the exercise. Concentrate on healing. It takes 12 weeks to fully heal from the outside in. Exercise slowly and carefully till it doesn't hurt then you can be a bit more vigorous but it should still be controlled movements. Rest when you feel any pain like that. It is very early days and you've had a major operation. Take your medication regularly too. It makes a big difference to your recovery.

  • Norny
    Norny Member Posts: 55

    @alwayssewing think I may be doing too much too many excercise/ walking. Will try and rest more and build excercise up. Thanks for the tips.

  • Baloo
    Baloo Member Posts: 483

    @Norny fascinating stuff for folks who might need it one day, do keep sharing. My goodness, that healing magic trick the body does is like totally amazing. Staples coming out Monday, thats incredible. Try not to bump into anything.

  • Norny
    Norny Member Posts: 55

    @Baloo can't wait to get staples out and get a shower. Will be trying to avoid anything that could set me back.

  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 494

    I know what you mean. I was longing for a shower, albeit scared to climb in and out of the bath, or slip whilst showering. But actually all went well. I had soluble stitches but my dressing was taken off at two weeks and I was told I could shower then.

    I agree if you can go without your compression socks for at least part of the day you might feel better - fingers crossed.

    I also understand the feeling fed up - we go through so much don't we? We're tired, learning to live again and getting over the surgery - hopefully you'll start to feel less fed up as you see you're making progress.

    Take care.

  • KC1
    KC1 Member Posts: 112

    that first post-op shower is amazing. Take it slowly and gently pat the wound area dry, don’t rub.

    The surgical stocking thing is really interesting. Different surgeons have different approaches. It also depends on whether you’re taking blood thinners of any description. My stockings were binned by my consultant after 2 weeks. I didn’t have staples I had double internal dissolvable stitches and butterfly stitches holding the outside of the wound together all covered by a waterproof dressing. The dressing and butterfly stitches all came off together at 2 weeks. Everything has continued to heal nicely.

    on the exercise and walking front - listen to your body. Little and often is better than a long session. How your body responds will be pend on your fitness pre-op. I was pretty fit overall just couldn’t walk much or bend but I could cycle for miles (in the gym) and lift weights etc. I exercised every day for a long time pre-op and I think that has helped my recovery. However we have different experiences and starting which is why we all recover differently. So take your time, listen to your body, make sure you get plenty of rest and be patient. You will get there

  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 676

    Hi @Norny

    I had to use my compression stockings for 6 weeks - awful things. I have had an electric foot spa for years as I suffer with swollen feet anyway and that 20 minutes in the mornings between changing the stockings was pure bliss and I would recommend to anyone.

    My Physio told me that I should be raising my legs above my hips for at least 2 hours a day which I used to do after my afternoon session of physio.

    With the shower, again I was told it was a bit no until after the staples were removed. The nurse had to put another dressing on after she had removed the staples due to a bit of weeping so it was 2 1/2-3 weeks before I could have one. It was bliss. However it was very difficult as we have a shower over bath so it took me about 20 minutes with steps and hand holds with very gingerly moving my poor leg to get into the bath to shower and again afterwards.

    It never ceases to amaze me how different hospitals and surgeons treat their hip replacement patients!

    Trish xx

  • Norny
    Norny Member Posts: 55

    @KC1 I was doing very little exercise before my surgery, any activity was causing me pain. I work full time and didnt want to go off sick so didn't do anything which was going to make it worse. Will need to build up and strenghthen muscle again. Got my staples out yesterday going to have a shower later. Went to hairdressers last night got my hair washed and dried it was brilliant to get it done. I forgot to ask the nurse yesterday do you take the waterproof dressing off before your shower and put a new one on after?

  • Norny
    Norny Member Posts: 55

    @Trish9556 I noticed on one of your posts before your op you mentioned you had gluteal tendinopathy. I had buttock pain before my operation along with significant arthritis caused by bilateral hip dysplasia. Initially they thought my pain was from back and glutes it was only when I saw a hip surgeon he mentioned dysplasia. I was looking at my mri from December 2023 and it says bilateral gluteal and hamstring tendinopathy. I am still having gluteal pain did your tendinopathy resolve after your hip replacement? And if so how long did it take. My consultant said my glute pain could continue as I have back issues too.

  • KC1
    KC1 Member Posts: 112

    hi @Norny gkad you’ve had your staples removed. I’d give the ward or nurse a call but would imagine you keep the dressing on in the shower and change it after. I kept me dressing on but did need to change it. As mentioned it was removed after 2 weeks with no wound issues after that. Others may have different experiences.

    Sorry to hear you were in so much pain re exercises. We really do all start from different places. Take things slow and steady working with your physio etc. in time you’ll be amazed at how much progress you’ve made x

  • Norny
    Norny Member Posts: 55

    @KC1 will give them a call I had a shower last night it was great kept the same dressing on my daughter is a nurse in a children's hospital going to get her to change it. Have physio this week going to ask about the tendinopathy and my back - I have stenosis. Think they have realigned me in surgery and body dosent like it! Thanks x

  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 676

    Hi @Norny

    I was in so much pain before surgery it was difficult to know where it was all coming from. I think at one point my physio wasn't sure how to diagnose it and suggested the tendinopathy before referring me to the surgeon. He didn't reckon much to that lol. All I can say is my pain has subsided substantially since surgery to a point I only now get a twinge or two when I'm on my operated side for too long in bed.

    trish xx

  • Norny
    Norny Member Posts: 55

    @Trish9556 I was the same before I saw the consultant was seen by physios who were saying my pain was coming from my back and glutes. When I saw the hip consultant he said although I had back issues which may cause gluteal pain I also had arthritis and needed a hip replacement. I 'm starting to feel a good bit better now I am in my third week post surgery. All the best x

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,792

    Hi @Norny

    when I had my back op my legs swelled up every day for months so i do think it's normal post op probably.

    Looks like you are doing well only 3 weeks post your surgery 😊


  • shacklock25
    shacklock25 Member Posts: 30

    I had my hip done seven weeks ago and my left leg is still swollen. I saw the surgeon last week for the six weekly check up. He said it is quite normal after a hip operation although not everyone experiences it (my friend didn't) and it will go eventually.

  • Norny
    Norny Member Posts: 55

    @frogmorton @shacklock25 I think the compression socks aren't helping matters another 10 days and can remove them, swelling seems to be going down now 😀