How do you know Methotrexate is working?

Hi all,

I wondered how you actually know if methotrexate is working? Is it simply a perceived reduction in pain and stiffness? I have been on it for over 3 months and the pain and stiffness are no better. I have a lot of side effects but no benefits, as far as I can tell. I won't have another appointment for months (over a year since I last saw the consultant, the prescription was issued after a telephone call with the secretary).


  • Arciere
    Arciere Member Posts: 93

    Hi Cara123

    From what I have seen the Medics seem to start some people on Methotrexate. There are a number of drugs for the variations of arthritis. I started on methotrexate but it made me very emotional and didn’t really help my PsA. So then I moved to Sulfasalazine which still made me feel emotional but worked a bit? I then came off Sulfasalazine and the pain increased hugely - so it was doing something - but not enough. I then moved to biologics and everything is much better (along with a completely new diet - I was already a healthy eater….sort of!)

    If it isn’t working - do try and get in front of a Rheumatologist to see what the alternatives are. My Rheumatology dept has an advice line where the Nursing team will support with questions like this and bookings for reviews etc.

    (The only other thing that really helped in a time of pain was Predisolene oral steroids from the GP and the Rheumatologist)

    Hope this helps