Knee Replacement Advice

Hi everyone, haven't posted in a long time but have been around mooching, after some advice or reassurance.

I'm 8 weeks post op from a full knee replacement, everything has been going well recovery wise but this last week (as I'm walking on it more) I'm getting a pain around the kneecap area, quite sharp at times which causes me to start limping. it isn't constant, comes and goes, anyone experienced anything similar? (I'm at physio group tomorrow so will check in with them)

I've kind of been thrown to the wolves in terms of when I should be walking without a crutch, physio took me down to 1 at 6 weeks and then said off you pop, you should be off that by 8 weeks, I don't feel I could walk all day without it or any type of distance, can just about manage round Aldi pushing a trolley! Only physio I have now is the start of a group class tomorrow and a check up in 3 months in ortho.

Anyway sorry for the long post, would just appreciate some advice from those who are on the other side of things.



  • Naomi33
    Naomi33 Moderator Posts: 494

    Good morning @Kazziwaz and welcome to the online community.

    Sorry to hear your concerns about new knee replacement I am sure others in the same or similar position will connect with you soon.

    Please do not apologise for long post the more information the more people can help you.

    Hope you gained some advice from your physio group however if not satisfied get back in touch with your doctor/consultant and ask for me help and support.

    The following link maybe of interest…..

    Best wishes @Naomi33

    Need more help? - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • Kazziwaz
    Kazziwaz Member Posts: 35

    Thanks for the reply, I will check tomorrow with the physio, was just after some thoughts from fellow new knees 😀