Hurrah for Versus Arthritis and efficient GPs and NHS and other apps.

I just wanted to sing again the praises of my GP and the the support I have had from this community.

In short, I phoned my GP this Monday morning, without much hope of getting through on the phone let alone getting an appointment. I have an appointment for this afternoon with a GP who also specialises in joint problems.

Reading the posts on this site, maybe I am just lucky, or have low expectations, but credit where credit is due.

A bit of background:

I've probably had arthritis for a while but it was formally diagnosed with OA in both knees last year when I suddenly found I couldn't walk or stand for more than a few minutes. ( There is a whole chapter to my, never to be written, autobiography on the "fun" of those "early" days ) I had x rays, a whole raft of blood tests and a physio referral within the same week.

I was given a link to Versus Arthritis and NHS heathy living, as well as local health and NICE guidance, and some other information including the research on use of diet and dietary supplements.

And a general invitation to keep in touch and come in again if you have any worries.

It can be really miserable, as you all know, living with constant aches and acute pains especially when it's likely to continue, in one form or another, to a lesser or greater extent, for decades to come.

It's also hard to complain when there are people around with life threatening illnesses And a general feeling of "its only arthritis"

I knew I had to do the work myself but am glad of the support from you: the reassurance, information, and wider awareness raising. Thankyou.

The Escape Pain Project has also been very useful as has the Living Life to the Full course.

My GP surgery now subscribes to the "make U better" app. but I really need another review before I can use it properly.

Latest chapter:

My right knee "stopped working"/ "went crunch" again this weekend. I was at a mountaineering club event and walking on flat ground. ( again, another story with comic potential). It does that about every four weeks or so and can last for minutes, hours or days.

So, all the advice read here and on the apps is: see your GP again. So, I followed the advice and hey presto, the receptionist said yes.. I'm not skipping for joy but having the odd hop with the aid of a stick or the back of a chair.

Hope you all out there are having similar joy.


  • MaryL44
    MaryL44 Moderator Posts: 146

    Hi @aucuparia What a cheery post! You do well to maintain your sense of humour.

    I'm sure all our community would agree with me that it is good to be appreciated and we are all grateful for the support we receive from others.


    Need more help - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • aucuparia
    aucuparia Member Posts: 13

    Thanks Mary,

    Its either that or sitting here and "crying into my beer"

    The GP I saw was also very understanding and up beat ,while being honest. Classic arthritis he said. He spotted the more than usual swollen legs before I mentioned them and the extra "ouch" on the movement. Seems I have a throat infection. Antibiotics prescribed and antihistamines recommended. ( I didn't realise antihistamines would be a useful tool but )

    Further Discussions about pain relief and cortisone injections. There very few pain relief drugs I can take. He could and does give cortisone injections but we agreed in my case cortisone injections are realistically unlikely to be beneficial.

    I have a referral for more x rays, which are not really going to say anything we don't know, but, as I learned from this community, an official recording of the state of the joints is a "required step" before consideration of access to some other treatments including surgery and physio.

    I'm told that the odd glass of Ale is beneficial for arthritis, as part of a balanced diet and in moderation of course so maybe crying into my beer might be a good choice😉