THR - eeek I accidentally crossed my ankles!

WendyDales Member Posts: 7
edited 2. Nov 2024, 21:35 in Hints and Tips

Hi there! I had my THR on Saturday 26 October. It was not that much fun but moving on, I’m now home and in day five of recovery. Things have been ok as ok can be - starting to get my drugs regime sorted and doing my exercises, stairs, little walks etc.

Anyway! I know this may sound trivial (and probably is!) but I crossed my bad leg over my good leg at the ankle a couple of times this afternoon. Only for a few minutes if that. My get flop that way anyway and I wasn’t concentrating - I noticed pain but as this is something I did pre surgery - it didn’t immediately register. Obviously I soon noticed and stopped it but then did it again later 😨 In the last few hours the pain has ratcheted up - aching in my lower back, glutes and down the front of my hip - even though I’ve taken quite a few meds! I’m pretty sure I’ve not dislocated anything as I can still walk on it but have I done any lasting damage or damage that will put me right back again to square one do you think? I’m hoping it’s just that I over pulled the already pulled and trying to to heal muscles!

I really don’t want to have to go through anything Like the operation again any time soon so I’m a bit paranoid 🥹 The morphine and codeine probably don’t help my anxiety either I expect 🥴😆

I just asked my husband who pretty much told me I’m a drama queen by hey Ho 🤣🤷‍♀️🤣

Thank you 🙏 Any hippies who are about to have the op and have any questions - let me know!


  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 706

    Hi @WendyDales

    I shouldn't worry too much about accidentally crossing your ankles - I am sure it is something we have all subconsciously done post THR - mine was in May, at some time or other. It is hard and it's something we have done all our lives, it's hard not to do.

    I think surgeons are more concerned that we don't cross our knees (chance would be a fine thing) or curl up on the sofa/chair with our legs beneath us.

    I think as long as you are not in constant pain after crossing your ankles, you would be ok but if it continues, please seek advice. You're obviously going to have your staples/stitches/wound checked soon? Speak to the nurse doing that and she may advise.

    If you have accidentally twisted since surgery, another automatic movement, you will notice a sudden sharp pain and I have also done this but now less frequently, and if this pain continued for any length of time afterwards rather than just seconds, I would seek advice.

    Please don't worry unnecessarily, I know it's hard and that you may feel that your hip doesn't belong to you (it does), your body has been through a major trauma which takes a long time to heal.

    Your pain and mobility will improve at it's own pace, just keep up with your physio exercises and try not to worry too much with those automatic movements that we need to train ourselves not to do. Your body will tell you if you've done anything wrong.

    Please shout if you need anything, there are lots of 'hip diaries' on here, including mine, which will help with recoveries but please remember, we all recover at different times so please don't take these as gospel.

    Love n hugs

    Trish xx

  • Nurina
    Nurina Member Posts: 389

    If it's not a very acute pain and you can walk, you should be fine. It's easy to be paranoid with the dislocation ghost around. The wound is very tender and any change of posture could make you sore. With the new surgery techniques is difficult to have a dislocation, unless you twist your body, cross your legs and get up abruptly. Anyway, be careful and try to stick to the rules to make the ghost go away. Take care.

  • WendyDales
    WendyDales Member Posts: 7

    Thank you so very much @Nurina @Trish9556 . I think I got myself into an unnecessary paddy! Today the pain is on and off - much the same - and I don’t think I’ve done anything serious. As you say - the dislocation ghost is a strong one though! I would hate myself if I wrecked everything now. It’s true - it’s hard not to do things you’ve done all your life - I imagine the better you got the more likely you are to do something wrong! Thank you for humouring me - much so appreciated 🥰

  • WendyDales
    WendyDales Member Posts: 7

    @Trish9556 Thank you. I’ve looked at the diaries before my operation - so helpful, thanks for taking the time. We are all so different still though with different surgeries even here in just the UK. Hurts my head sometimes (the drugs don’t help 🤣).

    I try not to think about the alien object in me 😳 I have heard that it’s amazing to wake up without arthritis but that hasn’t happened to me - the pain is in the same places my arthritis was anyway but worse! I do know (hope) this is short lived.

    How are you now, a number of months on? Apologies if this is on your diary - if so I’ll hunt that out! 😍 At the moment I feel I’m on some strange limbo. Been doing my exercises though (even though at times you can barely move your leg, particularly the bed ones - own), dressing, coming down the stairs, walking around in the garden, eating well and mostly - trying to stay on top of those drugs!

    Take care and hugs to you also 🤗

  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 706

    Hi @WendyDales

    My hip is doing ok, not moving much at the moment due to battling Pneumonia caused by a fungal chest infection so only moving between upstairs and downstairs lol. Physio will restart when I'm able.

    Trish x