How to live with pain and and the future

Liberally13 Member Posts: 41
edited 13. Nov 2024, 14:35 in Living with arthritis

Hello I did post here last year I think. I have osteoarthritis in the hands not too bad now although they were. OA in knees had it for years play up from time to time was told many years ago by consultant that the knee replacement is a awful surgery and whilst they do well with hips replacements it is different with knees they are sometime not successful and his advice to me was don't have surgery unless absolutely no alternative. I am 77 and hearing that waiting lists are years and I can't afford to go private so might possibly die before my time for surgery came up so have been loath to be put on a waiting list and any way they are not too bad at the moment. I also mentioned last year that I had degeneration of the spine and neck pain was bad happily fingers crossed weight lost and exercises are keeping pain away. Now I have a painful low back mainly right side but does effect left can only take paracetamol and sparingly ibuprofen gel. Mornings I have trouble with straightening up. The pain is not too bad during the day providing I don't walk too far. The pain is just above the buttocks going round to hip. I know what caused it bending down to our cats litter tray which of course I have to do every day. I cannot bend my knees very much so obviously straining back. Having bad varicose veins does not help have had them stripped about 30years ago but they have come back and I now do not meet NHS criteria for more surgery. At the moment my husband is doing the tray each day for me. I can walk up the stairs but coming down I have to come down on one foot only. So not sure if all this is hips spine or knees. I know the new thinking is exercise rather than pain killers. I have always found that many exercises are impossible to do neck ones aside as I cant do them and if I try I get pain which takes days to go away. I cant get on to the floor. It makes life difficult trying to do household chores between us. I worry about the future. Can anyone suggest what to do.


  • Naomi33
    Naomi33 Moderator Posts: 500

    Morning @Literally13 sorry to hear all your concerns.

    I think everyone is different and what works for one may not work for others.

    Have you discussed your options with your doctor or consultant?

    I have tried different pain management courses which helped but found natural walking the best for me in moderation.

    I am also going through getting the right medication process with my consultant again challenging but hopefully will get relief soon.

    I am sure others will connect with you soon keep posting.

    Best wishes @Naomi33

    Need more help? - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • Liberally13
    Liberally13 Member Posts: 41

    Hello @Naomi33

    Thank you for your kind words. There are a lot of medications I can't take. I have glaucoma asthma hypothyrodisim. I also suffer from extreme anxiety (this year has been extremely stressful as my son had been very ill) I am having private counselling because of nhs waiting time although there is a limit to the numer os sessions I can afford. It is starting to help. I can cannot take any anxiety tablets or medication to help sleep as they affect my glaucoma and cause eye pressures to rise so wont take chances with eyesight. I don't sellp that well although it s a bit better of late. My gp wont let me take ibuprofen because of my age and havng had gastritis. I cannot take Cocodomal as the give me side effects so down to paracetamol and ibupuprofen gel sparingly but even that seems to be affecting my asthma so going to stop. I am l keen only to take painkillers when really needed I would lie to exercise more but find that I have to be careful because I then find I am in a lot of pain so find it hard to do cope with everyday chores. My husband is in the same boat but can take the Cocodomal and the gel. I do still have a telephone number for the physio I had nhs but it has been such a long time I would probably have to self refer again. The neck and shoulder exercises are great and I do them regularly and they work. I have a fear of being alone and confined to the house because of mobiity in the future.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,149
    edited 12. Nov 2024, 12:24

    I can totally see why you are anxious about your future with medical options being restricted due to other health conditions. I am the same having lost my anti-inflammatory option due to a TIA earlier this year I also have low thyroid and COPD.

    Might be worth speaking to your Dr @Liberally13 because a lot of people here have back pain when it's actually their hips. Perhaps an X-ray would help them work out where the pain is actually coming from. Then you could brave 'going on a list' many people have surgery these days well into their 80s.

    Maybe do self refer back to physio?

    An idea for your cat litter (I have my beloved cat too😽) if you get liners with handles you could maybe lift the full liner out with the aid of your pick up stick? Replacing it with a full one which you could fill ready at an easier height to manage. It would probably take some practising. At the moment though it sounds as though your husband is managing that job ok.

    I hope you'll keep posting as the support I get from here really has been invaluable for me.

    Take care

    Toni x

  • @Liberally 13 you may be able to try alternative pain relief. You will need to skin test first, Iavender essential oil, rubbed in neat , Magnesium lotion or spray. Heat cream and even olbas oil were all helpful for me. Check with your doctor or optician about using with your other problems first.

    My friend in his late 80's had both hips and both knees replaced in the last few years. He is frail due to age but he only uses a stick for walking now for his safety. He is amazing and it was his courage that helped me when I needed both hips doing this year.

    Knee surgery has improved a lot in the last few years. My surgeon does repeat the information of possible things that can go wrong but also says it is a one to three pecent chance in most cases.

    I decided to have my hips done as I was facing having a wheelchair in the near future if I didn't get them done. I declined a wheelchair and actually walked out of the hospital just one day after my second operation because I felt so good. I will be 69 soon.

    I have an appointment in December with the surgeon for ex-rays of my knees and a discussion about replacement surgery. Although I am a bit nervous I know that for me there is no option if I want to stay active.