THR in two weeks

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edited 25. Nov 2024, 08:16 in Living with arthritis

Time flies and in two weeks I'll have my 2nd hip done. I've been reading the diaries, including mine for a little bit of encouragement because I'm really frightened. I'm excited because this pain will disappear soon but I'm frightened because the success isn't guaranteed 100%. The worst thing is the 6 weeks of sleeping on my back again 😩.

I've been making a timeline mixing several diaries from here and, if everything goes well, on New Year's day, the worst would have passed. I'll be allowed to sleep on my side and drive, I'll have stopped taking blood thinners. All my fears go away with these thoughts. I'm re-reading my own diary and I can't believe how bad I was and how good I feel now with my operated leg. That's a shame I can't fully enjoy it because my other leg started to be in pain three months latee.

I currently can't stand or walk. I need two crutches to walk because of the length discrepancy between both legs. I have knocked knees because the weakness of hip muscles. I'm a mess 😂. Trying to hold my body on the crutches is hurting badly my hands. I prefer not to go anywhere. The good thing is the pain of my hip is completely different from the other leg and I can drive. I've been doing the "prepare to surgery" classes with a group of other OA fellows that are waiting for their THR and TKR. Despite, probably being the youngest there, I'm the one with more pain and limping of all. The physiotherapists helping us are from the hospital and one of them will be with me. He told me that they currently don't refer patients to physiotherapy but my case is different because I'd need to recover from two surgeries. I think he is truly worried about me.

I hope you all are ok. Take care. X

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  • Naomi33
    Naomi33 Moderator Posts: 525

    Afternoon @Nurina

    All the very best with your operation 😘

    Thankfully not in your position yet but keep posting I am sure others in same position will appreciate.

    Best wishes @Naomi33

    Need more help? - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • Thanks @Naomi33 I'll not post everything like I did in my other thread but I will keep you updated.

  • Fran54
    Fran54 Member Posts: 288


    not very long now for you and I hope that it all goes well. I expect you are feeling a little nervous but looking ahead to the days when the pain will be gone and you will be feeling more able to get back to normality whatever that may be!

    My right hip is feeling so good now 4 months after being replaced and like you I will need to have the other hip replaced but was told I would have to wait until the new hip has had time to heal properly ( about a year ).

    I am sure all of us hippies will be thinking of you and look forward to hearing your progress once home again.

    Take care.🙂

  • Thanks @Fran54 It's been 10 months since the other hip surgery. I agree it's better to have a strong leg to support the new one. I was in my 3rd month after the surgery when I felt great, painless and started to be "normal" walking without crutches, starting new projects at work. I couldn't believe it after the pain I had before. Sadly, the other leg started to be in pain due to the overwork and I haven't really fully enjoyed the benefits. My physio said I will feel amazing with both legs recovered. I've tried to find more posts about people's experiences with staged double THR but I can't find much.

  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 809

    Hi @Nurina

    I had a trapeziectomy in 2020 and have since discovered that the 2nd joint in the trio is even worse.

    I suffered with pain in this joint since 2022 not knowing what it was and this pain got unbearable once I started to use crutches and sticks for my hip.

    To cut a long story short, I was given a shaped handle stick for my 'bad hand' and when I was in hospital for my new hip, the physio gave me a stick with a shaped handle for the 'good hand' and to stop using crutches so once I came out of hospital I was only using 2 sticks all the time. Admittedly I have two stair rails at home which made stairs easier. These sticks mean youre not putting as much weight on your wrists as you do when using crutches. There are also crutches which have your forearm at right angles and my surgeon advised these might be the way to go next time I need crutches.

    Seeing my hand surgeon on the 15th he agreed that the bad hip made my wrist as bad as it was and certainly, since I have stopped relying on a stick, my wrist has been better but I am off to hand therapy this morning to get a new splint made and more therapy/advice as my left hip is showing signs of OA and will need replacing at some point.

    I would recommend speaking to your GP and seeing if they can get you an xray before you go into hospital to check your hand/wrist out. Also speak to your physio in hospital to see if you can stop using crutches and just have sticks.

    Because I have two stair rails, I left one stick at the bottom of the stairs when I went up and had a spare stick at the top of the stairs once I got there. This one lived upstairs as I used that hand (good hand) on the other stair rail :).

    Good luck with the new hip and I wish you a speedy recovery with that and your hand.

    Trish xx

  • Thanks @Trish9556 I have shaped crutches and they are amazing but I can pad it with a neoprene sleeve to make them more comfortable. My pain comes from weight bearing and the bad leg is shorter so I can't use walking sticks because I limp a lot. The right crutch is set up one hole higher to compensate the limping. It's just two weeks until my surgery and with the legs more even, fingers crossed, I wouldn't have to hang my weight on the crutches. I suppose my hands will feel better. We'll see. I have two hand rails too that are very helpful.

    I hope you feel better, Trish. Thanks for your help. X

  • annabanana
    annabanana Moderator Posts: 118

    Hi @Nurina , hopefully things improve for you but I just wanted to add that I get my crutches from "Cool Crutches" - they have plain ones and patterned ones and are (so far) the only ones I've that don't hurt my arms/hands. Fingers crossed that you won't have to hold yourself up on crutches for much longer 🤞

    Need more help? - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • Thanks @annabanana Those crutches really look cool! I'll have a look.

  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 809

    Thanks @Nurina

    Not long to wait now :) I hope the surgery resolves your hand problem too - make sure you get an xray if it doesn't!

    My recovery is at a full stop at the moment, I have had a fungal lung infection which is a form of pneumonia and on bed rest for the last 3 weeks. Slowly feeling better and today has been the first day I've been out. Back to using my stick as my hip is incredibly stiff through no walking/exercise. Once I am fully recovered I will start up the physio again.

    Good luck

    Trish xx

  • I'm sorry you've been ill. I hope you'll feel bettee soon so you can continue with your physio again. X

  • WendyDales
    WendyDales Member Posts: 27

    Hello. I am just going into week three of my THR. So obviously, I can't tell you anything you don't already know but I do wish you the very best.

    The one thing I thought I'd mention that might help is that I was also told that I would get no physio post-operation. However, as I am younger (52), and have a semi-active job along with being a very outdoors person they have offered to give me some physio. I have a first appointment in a couple of weeks. So, they may provide you with some if you can provide evidence.

    Good luck and hope it goes well.

  • @WendyDales Thanks for your words. They've told me I'm going to need help tp recover from two legs and I'll be referred to Physiotherapy from the hospital.

    I hope you are now much better and almost painless. Good luck

  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 630

    @Nurina not long now, thank goodness, but I do understand your apprehension from reading your old diary. You had a tough time. I hope this time is easier, although that back-sleeping is awful. I can't wait to hear you say you are painfree, and hopefully come Spring you'll be back out and enjoying life again. Take care.

  • Thanks @Janlyn Just a week for my surgery. There is no reason why I wouldn't have a good outcome with my second hip or even better. I've had a good recovery with the first and it'll be a strong support, the consultant will be the same and I'll have the experience of what to do, what not to do and how. I hope you are so happy with your new life. Take care X

  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 630

    @Nurina Thank you, and you're right, no reason why you shouldn't have a good outcome. You learned so much from your last surgery - you've had such a tough time and I look forward to following your progress. Take care, x

  • @Nurina Not long to wait. I hope everything goes well .

  • Thanks @alwayssewing I'm currently in the limbo of waiting, counting the hours, minutes and seconds. I don't want to get a cold gallivanting outside 6 days before my surgery. Like you, I'm knitting and sewing. During this year of not being able to do much, I've knitted two jumpers. I've sewed two trousers, three dressess, two dungarees, two shirts, one skirt and I'm now making a big crossbody shopping bag to use with two crutches. Fortunately having time is one of the few advantages of my situation.

  • @Nurina you have been busy, it is so good to have the time to create without feeling you ought to be doing something else.

    I'm cutting out a few things so I will hopefully be occupied if my knee surgery happens quickly. I also have the goal of using up a large crate of DK oddments this winter. Last year I used up one of the same size of 4ply and aran to make lap blankets when the fuel prices rocketed.

  • creAte
    creAte Member Posts: 39

    @Nurina ...Hello, May this message finds you inspired and gently peaceful in the mind.

  • JPT
    JPT Member Posts: 185

    @Nurina I am so pleased you are about to have your other hip done but so sad that you have struggled so much with it after having the other one done.

    You were such an inspiration for me as your first op was shortly before mine and your diary really truly helped me face the unknown with a lot more calm and less anxiety than I'd had.

    You will be absolutely fine, you know what to expect and how to know your own limitations during recovery. Don't be afraid to ask for help before you need it.

    I had my almost nine months review today and my x-ray showed how much the bone had grown up and around the new implant. It's stronger than you think.

    Wishing you all the very best and do let us know how you are doing. Sending big hugs. Julie xx

  • @creAte Thanks for your kindness.

    @JPT Thanks! ❤️ You are my inspiration too. I'm reading all the diaries again for some encouragement. I'm not going to lie. I'm frightened. So soon I'll be painless but the thought of repeating again the process is getting very hard. I'm enjoying my last days of sleeping on my side. I feel lucky to have both hips done this year and I can close that door.

  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 630

    @Nurina Oh I can understand your thoughts. Enjoying your last days of side sleeping. You know what to expect but I'm sure that doesn't really help just now, but soon you'll be back out of the other side and making slow but steady progress. I can't wait for you to be fully recovered and start to enjoy your life again, you've had such a tough time. Roll on Tuesday. take care, x

  • pollyana
    pollyana Member Posts: 12

    @Nurina Thank you for sharing… and best of luck with your surgery and good recovery. You’re doing well… keeping busy is my tonic too! I’m three weeks post op and like you had fears about the second thr… i think it’s just daunting when you know what’s coming, and it’s good to hear I wasn’t alone in that. I’m doing ok.. just sore and tired.. I’ll post separately about that…

    Sending all my best wishes to you in these last days… do whatever keeps you sane… sing, rest, craft… treat yourself like a queen! X

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