How do you cope ?

Last weekend i tried to clean the carpets, pushing a cleaner machine. This wiped me out till today even though I only managed one room! Today I loaded tge dishwasher i immediately felt in pain. I then rested and trued to put some shopping on the side. I now have tingling fingers , my joints are swollen, wrists hurts shoulders hurts, muscles in my legs do my back too. And my tinnitus us edging. I come over very hot and have to strip off and lie down. I'm on steroids awaiting yoflyma . I'm just fed up. I want to do things but can't. Feel pretty useless 😕


  • Naomi33
    Naomi33 Moderator Posts: 500

    Morning @Rockhopper and welcome to the online community.

    Sorry to hear your concerns about pain.

    I had the same problems but had to learn to do little but often, until my medication was was sorted.

    Still have bad days and get frustrated but if you could get help maybe this would make you feel better.

    The following link maybe of interest.

    Best wishes @Naomi33

    Need more help? - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • Sadly the cost of support exceeded my income on benefits. Good tgst the alliance us looking at this

  • Baloo
    Baloo Member Posts: 532


    That sounds rough. I am a bit surprised though as quite a few people swear by steroids as if they were magic. How come the steroids are not helping, is the dose too small?

  • annabanana
    annabanana Moderator Posts: 103

    hi @Baloo , as always it is important to remember that what works for one person may not work for another. Personally, I felt no benefits from steroids for more than a week no matter what the dosage was and that is just because each person is different - there is no one fits all 😊.

    Need more help? - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm