Methotrexate and nausea

jessica09 Member Posts: 5
edited 8. Dec 2024, 09:51 in Living with arthritis


I was wondering if anyone had sickness and nausea after taking methotrexate and if it got better over time?

I have recently started taking this medication but the sickness and nausea has been horrible! 4 days on and I am still feeling so nauseated. Does anyone have any tips on how to cope with this? I have been prescribed folic acid and take this the day after my methotrexate.

Thank you.


  • Eeyore
    Eeyore Member Posts: 37

    How much Methotrexate are you taking? Do you take pills or by injection?

    I can tolerate 15mg methotrexate (by Metoject pen) plus Folic Acid 3 times a week and do not suffer with nausea, but more methotrexate and/or less folic acid and I suffer! Badly! Injections seem to be better than pills re: nausea and more folic acid helps. Definitely talk to your rheumatoid team, they will be able to advise you.

  • jessica09
    jessica09 Member Posts: 5


    Thank you for replying. I am currently on 15mg tablet form but my rheumatologist wants to up me to 20mg if my liver tolerates it. He has giving me 15mg folic acid to take the day after but did mention he could increase this. I may have to phone them and ask. Is the injection more gentle on the stomach than the tablets?

  • Eeyore
    Eeyore Member Posts: 37

    Yes, the injection does seem to to be gentler and less nausea-causing. I have the Metoject pens which are really simple to use, just press against the skin basically, and Bob's your uncle…..quick and painless. (Don't the tablets leave an unpleasant taste in the mouth?!) I started off on just 5mg folic acid the day after methotrexate but am now on 5mg 3 days a week. Every consultant seems to have slightly different ideas! My consultant upped my methotrexate to 20mg but a) it didn't make any noticeable difference to my R.A. symptoms and b) made me feel quite nauseous so I am back down to 15mg. And will soon be trying a biologic. Fingers crossed that will improve my life…… I'm afraid at the start of this journey it's a lot of trial and error and finding what suits you best. But don't be afraid to voice your concerns to the consultant/nurses, they are on your side and will help you. They may offer anti-nausea medication, I didn't want to take yet more medication so I said no thanks, but that's a personal decision. I think a phone call to your team is your next move! Good luck.