THR experiences of 70+Agegroup

GeorgetheDog Member Posts: 4
edited 20. Jan 2025, 13:42 in Living with arthritis

hi…I would love to hear from any other 70 somethings who have had a THR recently. I’m a fortnight post op and wondering if my progress is normal. I’m managing with one crutch around the house and have had a few short trips outside with one crutch as well. I’ve ditched the heavy duty pain killers as they made me really woozy and managing on paracetamol during the day and codeine/paracetamol at night. I’m doing the exercises I was given in hospital and feel things are gradually improving day by day. But I’m still in a lot of pain and find sleeping on my back very challenging… knees get so stiff! I also wonder if I should be walking more…pre op I was walking the dog twice a day albeit slowly and with a stick. I waited 16 months from first symptoms to THR and before that was playing badminton twice a week, practicing yoga daily and walking 1-2 hours a day. Would love any suggestions or ideas to help.


  • Naomi33
    Naomi33 Moderator Posts: 517

    Afternoon @Georgethedog and welcome to the online community.

    Sorry to hear your concerns after THR I have no experience of THR.

    I am sure others will connect with you soon.

    Have you discussed with doctors/nurses about your concerns ???

    Best wishes @Naomi33

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  • Two weeks is very soon to stop using both crutches as is stopping the stronger pain relief. I was told a minimum of six weeks for two crutches, especially outside.

    Leg exercises done on your bed at night and in the morning will help your knees. Ones such as sliding your foot back towards your hip with your knee bent. Do it 10 or more times and repeat on the other leg. Lifting each leg up with your toes pointed towards your leg is also helpful for tight quads which can cause knee pain. Make it a goal to walk at a comfortable pace for 20 minutes. You will find yourself walking further and further in that amount of time.

    I am 69 so a little younger than you asked for but I had both hips done last year as they were at the end stage after struggling for many years.

    A few of us wrote diaries of our experiences so you might like to read them for any other information and help. @Nurina, @Janlyn , @Lilymary are just some to look for.

    I found 6 weeks, three months and six months were important milestones that I could see real improvement in many ways.

  • Fran54
    Fran54 Member Posts: 287


    Hi as @alwayssewing has commented, 2 weeks does seem very soon to stop using both crutches and I was advised to still use two at least until 6 weeks, especially when going outside. I had my right hip replaced last June and was out doing 15/20 minute walks after about 2 weeks. I gave up the heavy duty painkillers after about a week as I didn't really need them but took paracetamol in there place. The exercises were very helpful for the first couple of weeks, then I had a series of physio at my local hospital and was given specific exercises to do which increased by severity and amount.

    Regarding stiff knees I still get this first thing in the morning ( I still sleep on my back as I find it uncomfortable on both sides ) but after doing a few stretches this wears off as I get more mobile. Walking I kept to doing shorter walks ( about 20 mins at first ) as I didn't want to overdo it and gradually increased the distance over time.

    Everybody heals in different ways. If I had any questions/queries I used to write them down and mention them to my physiotherapist who was a great help. Also when I had my check up at the hospital with the consultant he always told me to "err on caution" so I only did what I felt comfortable at the time and I still stick to this.

    You seem to have been a very active person before your surgery so hope that you will soon be back to doing what you enjoyed. There are a lot of lovely people on here who wrote all about their experiences and it is worth reading their posts. Please keep us updated with your progress and good luck!🙂

  • Thankyou for your suggestions…very useful and made me realise I need to be patient and keep doing the exercises..they do help. Also making a list of questions to ask medical people when I see them is a good idea. I have the dressing removed in a few days and have my 6 week check to come. Your diaries make good reading, but sometimes feel I’ll never get back to normal. My husband is being brilliant so I must count myself fortunate and get on with my recovery as my body dictates….my yoga teacher says always listen to your body!

  • I'm not 70 but my body feels like I'm 90. Until you feel stronger, you should use crutches. Maybe from 6th-8th week you can walk short distances without them. The last thing you need is getting tired and start limping because it will not help to your recovery and it can hurt your back or your knees. You'd need to strength your hip muscles and correct your new posture before walking long distances. Anyway, it's ok to walk with crutches and people respect you more when you are walking or in the supermarket.