Night sweats

I have recently been diagnosed with Sero Negative and am on steroids and Methatrexate. I am frequently having night sweats. Is that part of the condition/reaction to drugs. Not liking the change to my life but trying to be positive!


  • Ellen
    Ellen Moderator Posts: 1,870

    Hello @Sisi and welcome to the online community. I'm so glad you've found us and hope you'll decide to become a regular visitor.

    I see you are experiencing night sweats and are wondering whether this could be part of your condition or your medications.

    When I was initially diagnosed I was given steroids while waiting for my first DMARD (Disease Modifying anti-rheumatic drug) to kick in and found they did indeed give me hot flushes. However I also run a low grade fever when flaring and that did similar. So it can be difficult to judge.

    I presume you are only taking the steroids while your Methotrexate (MTX) has a chance to start working? If that is the case things should settle down when you are able to stop taking them. If not though or you are worried do ask your medical team next time you see someone.

    Best wishes
