Hip operation

pampig Member Posts: 1
edited 19. Feb 2025, 09:59 in Coffee Lounge

Hello , my first message on here . I’ve had osteoarthritis for 5yrs and getting worse . Have had Etsy’s on hips and back . Slippage of lower spine and now no cartilage left in right right hip .knee swollen and painful and groin pain . Waiting to see an anaesthetist on 29th April to discuss an op but because of my silent heart attack 12 yrs ago and two stents the op is in jeopardy. 🤞it can go ahead . Pam x


  • Ellen
    Ellen Moderator Posts: 1,898

    Hello @pampig Pam welcome to the online community.

    As far as hip surgery is concerned you are absolutely not alone here we have quite a lot of 'hippies' I am going to 'call' a few of them for you; @Trish9556 @Janlyn @alwayssewing and our most recent surgery is @Wobblylegs who had her THR only on the 11th.

    There are lots of others and if you have a look you will see some long threads where they have shared their experience of hip surgery and recovery from it.

    I see you have an extra complication having had a heart attack perhaps your team will consider your surgery being done with an epidural. Some of our members have had theirs done this way.

    Wishing you best of luck


  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 789

    Hi @pampig

    Your appointment with the anaesthetist will come round soon although it now seems a lifetime away. I too will keep my fingers crossed that you can have the surgery.

    They are very clever these days and having the knowledge of your silent heart attack means they will be extra careful with you. I too was told that a surgery on my C6/7 would be doubtful due to a recent diagnosis of bronchiecstasis but when the anaesthetist spoke to my consulan they ageed there was no reason why the surgery should not happen. In fact, when I had my THR last year the team there said all all my surgereies in future would be done with an Epidural because of my Bronchiecstasis. Not quite the same as a silent heart attack but should give you some cautious optimism.

    The Epidural was scary at first, especially as I couldn't bend sufficently but they managed and before I knew it the surgery was over and I was back in my room with none of the side affects of a general that I have had in the past. I definitely wont be as nervous for my 2nd Epidural.

    Love n hugs


  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 614

    Hello @pampig and welcome. So sorry you need to be here but hope it helps. It sounds as though there are options for surgery and your silent heart attach complication - I really hope so and can understand your worry. The pain and waiting for surgery is awful but amazing how it suddenly comes around. I hope we can help support you and answer any questions you have whilst you wait.

    Take care, and keep in touch.