Experiences of living with a diagnosis of arthritis

Hi, I am a third year psychology student at the University of Liverpool. As part of my degree I am completing a research project on the lived experiences of people who have a diagnosis of any form of arthritis. For my project I am looking for people who are in the UK, speak fluent English, are aged over 18, and willing to take part in an interview. If you would like to take part or are looking for more information please send me an email at hljjack5@liverpool.ac.uk. Thank you!


  • Poppyjane
    Poppyjane Moderator Posts: 873


    Thank you for getting in touch with us . Unfortunately we are not able to assist you with your research project, it is our policy not to deal with any survey requests. We receive so many that it is impractical to respond meaningfully to them.

    We wish you success with your studies.

    Best wishes


    If it would be helpful to talk to someone ring the Helpline 0800 5200 520

    Monday - Friday 9.00a.m. - 6.00p.m.