PsA? No diagnosis yet

Hi everyone, I've posted before about undergoing investigations for potential PsA. I've had bloods, x-rays and an MRI of my knees and currently awaiting an ultrasound as well of my hands. I had a follow up appointment today with my rheumatologist who basically said she had to rule out PsA at the moment because they couldn't see any inflammation on my MRI and my x-rays were okay. I have some damage to my knees on my MRI that looked like injuries rather than inflammation. I'm basically just really frustrated because they're ruling out arthritis for now, but can't say what else it is as my symptoms aren't at all consistent with the injuries - for example my pain gets better with movement and exercise and worse when I don't move at all which wouldn't be consistent with runners knee. My bloods show some inflammation and my ANA was spiked and positive but obviously it isn't specific or able to provide an answer. And we have no explanation for why I get pain in my knuckles on my fingers or why I have pitting in my nails on my fingers and toes. I'm becoming more and more convinced that my symptoms are consistent with PsA but because there's no obvious inflammation in my joints, they can't give me that diagnosis.

Has anyone else ever been in a similar situation? And really struggled to find an alternative diagnosis if it isn't PsA? I have no idea what to do anymore and the pain is so debilitating but they can't give me any useful advice about how to manage the pain. Feeling super lost. They're now investigating Lupus, but I don't have many symptoms consistent with lupus. I just want an answer and potential end to my pain.
