Big toe fusion

Daisy15 Member Posts: 5

Hi. I've recently had both big toes fused. The first beginning of December 24, the second beginning February 25. I'm feeling really down with this second one, wearing that shoe weeks on end. The first scar is still sore and the second fusion is only just over 3 weeks ago. I know it's early but my feet are sore and I just want feel a bit better. Also, the sides of my feet and little toes are so sore from incorrect walking (unconsciously) to avoid putting weight on my big toe. I don't know how to correct it and so tired of feeling rubbish. Can anyone advise please.



  • ChrisG9
    ChrisG9 Member Posts: 27

    I had my right big toe fused in October 24. I self-referred myself to an NHS physio who is now supporting me walk again properly as I was also putting weight on the side of my foot. The physio spent around an hour with me, gave me an exercise programme which is linked to 'physiapp' app and I'm due to go back to see him 6 weeks after the initial consultation

  • Daisy15
    Daisy15 Member Posts: 5

    How are you now regarding pain, the scar and walking? Did you get a few sessions with the physiotherapist? It's so soon after my second op, is it too early for a physio while I still have the shoe I wonder?

  • ChrisG9
    ChrisG9 Member Posts: 27

    Pain is not too bad now, foot still swells at the end of the day, walking over 10k steps per day. I had an issue with my scar as a stich did not dissolve yet that seems to have healed. I put a thin layer of vaseline to help with the skin.

    I've have a few sessions with the physio, our aim is to get me running again. As for whether it is too early for a physio, I waited until I was out of my boot before self-referring yet there was then a little wait until I was assigned to see someone

  • Daisy15
    Daisy15 Member Posts: 5

    Thank you, it's really helpful. I think physio after the shoe is best and will definitely look into it. How are you managing for finding shoes? I've hit a real low this week after the 2 operations and weeks of this shoe, and hobbling and the rest. Now this pain on the side of both feet is driving me mad. I use vaseline on the first scar but don't know if it gets absorbed by my sock. I hope you get back to running.

  • ChrisG9
    ChrisG9 Member Posts: 27
    edited 28. Feb 2025, 12:22

    Thank you - I mainly live in trainers these days (those ones with a wide fit and arch fit). I did wear proper shoes a week or so ago and could only manage a couple of hours before the discomfort became too much.

    I admire you getting both feet operated on, one was enough for me 😀

  • Daisy15
    Daisy15 Member Posts: 5

    It's wearing some ordinary shoes that really bothers me. Not high heels, just nice boots. I hope that comes eventually. It's not something I ever thought would happen to me. My other foot was getting so painful I had no choice but to have it done. I've spent so many months feeling so scared about the future.. I still am. I used to walk everywhere, and go for long walks with my partner . I miss everything so much. I just have to be patient and hope some normality returns in time.

  • ChrisG9
    ChrisG9 Member Posts: 27

    It does take some adjustment. Pre arthritis, I ran over 30 marathons so needed to adjust my expectations. However, I am now walking over 10k steps a day without too much discomfort. For me, it was a balance of resting and recovering (I still battle with that) and finding the most supportive footwear for my feet