
Hi would like to know if anyone has a good experience with Leflunomide?… This will be my 3rd attempt at Medication. My first was sulfazalazine which resulted in Neutropenia after 4 weeks and a 5 day spell in hospital. Second was methotrexate injections which I tolerated but the side effects on 15mg for the first 14 weeks were nausea, mouth ulcers and headaches, but stuck with it but rheumatologist doesn’t think it’s doing much so reluctant to up dose, as I am. So here we go on Leflunomide , due to see rheumy nurse tomorrow to discuss start up etc and prescription. Obviously I’m going to ask lots of questions, but just wondering how anyone else has got on? I have seronegative inflammatory arthritis in knees, which results in fluid buildup in knees, especially one in particular and stiffness and swelling/ discomfort etc. Also have osteoarthritis in lower back which is separate to this obviously.
