Trying for a baby



  • jenni_b
    jenni_b Member Posts: 6
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    I had my last baby with me having severe RA and although it was a very hard experience- it was worth while!

    She is now 18 mths old and a complete Joy!

    There are a lot of other women ttc on the fertility friends forum and also the NRAS forums (where you will find my pregnancy blog)

    I wonder why you are all waiting such a while to TTC- I had a wash out treatment before ttc.

    there are some meds that rheumatologist will allow you to have whilest ttc although it is obviously best when the RA is well controlled so you can minimise the meds.

    there is so much to think about- which I found really tough for most people it is just a matter of coming off the pill! (if only

  • laina2009
    laina2009 Member Posts: 14
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi all im ttc now for 5 months been off mthotrexate and mobic now for 9 months.
    Im unemplyed at the mo and claming jsa but its run out.
    I cant clam income based jsa as my fiance works over 30 hours.

    Does any one know if i can clam incopacity benifit as i cant work with the artitis and off the drugs ttc.

    Thanks x
  • glitterbug
    glitterbug Member Posts: 20
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi All!

    Just a little update from me...have finally had the knee replacement after several cancellations! Damn the NHS!!! Ha ha! I am now 6 weeks post op and feeling fab. Can't wait to get back on the TTC bandwagon and have even been able to come off the diclofenac, which was my aim!!! I have had all the fertility testing done now including a HYCOSY, which wasn't too bad, but all tests have come back fine! I have been diagnosed with "unexplained" infertility which actually means they dont know why and it could still just happen although we were advised to start the ball rolling with IVF.

    So as soon as I feel physically ready after the knee, I am going to get back in touch with Guys hosp and see how the waiting list is coming along.

    It's exciting stuff but I am still a strong believer that the diclofenac could well be the cause and have certainly noticed a difference in my cycles since being off it!!!!

    How are all you other ladies getting on?

    Jo xxx
  • sweetpea
    sweetpea Member Posts: 22
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Fantastic news Jo that you are feeling great after your was obviously worth the wait! I hope that you're knee is recovering well. It's fab to hear that you are doing well off the diclofenac as well...are you taking any other meds? I have also been aiming to come off the anti inflammatries and since yesterday am on half my usual dose (now on mobic instead of diclofenac). I am noticing a difference in my pain so have become reacquainted with paracetamol and the think positive mentality! So far, so good!

    My update is very similiar to yours. After lots of tests we also have 'unexplained fertility' and like yourself have been told there is no reason why it won't happen naturally. Once I turn 35 in June we will apply for one free cycle of IVF. They reckon the earliest we could start treatment is October time though we also need to attend an evening meeting about it all beforehand. I would like things to happen naturally but feel lucky to have a free chance at IVF. The fertility docs have said that if it is unsuccessful and there are enough frozen eggs from the 'free' cycle it will be a third of the price of IVF to try again.

    I am now on Enbrel but thinking of changing to Humira as I've still have active PA and they reckon it will control the arthur more. My rheumy reckons I could stay on the anti tnfs for the first 4 months of pregnancy...when we get to that stage I'll see how I feel as I'd like to come off it sooner!

    Wishing everyone lots of luck and a pain free time! Be great to hear how you are all doing.

    Lisa :) x
  • laina2009
    laina2009 Member Posts: 14
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi girls how are you all doing?
    Iv read a few of your stories and the joint damage is worrying me slighty.
    Iv been off methotrexate now since sep 2008 and off the pill since nov2008.
    I know i didnt ovulate for the 1st 3 months as used opk tests.
    I fell pregnant in april after using the clearblue fertility monitor for the 1st time but unfortunately it was a very early miscarage :(
    The 1st cpple of months my joins were fine but now as its been nearly one year im suffering my elbows are really stiff and painful in the mornings and throuout the night and my ancle is so sore somedays i cant put my weight on it.

    We have just started trying agai this month since the early loss in may.
    At least i know im ovulating and have regluar 28 day cycles.

    With the girls who took a while to conceive,did you have regular cycles and was ovulating?
    Also iv heard that women with arthritis have more chance of miscarying,does any one know if this is true?
    Thanks all.x
  • pammi69
    pammi69 Member Posts: 36
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi i want to go for my second ivf cycle but i my gyny wants me on 5 mg of prednisolone and i am currently on 10m aswell as 4 suflazalzine a day and 75 mg of diclofenec another drug that my gyny wants me off?

    all these drugs affect your fertlity and ovulation,.
    I got RA from my first failed ivf and i am 39 and no spring chicken, anyone else out there my age wanting to go for ivf and can give me any guidance?