What problems does your arthritis cause you?



  • elvislover
    elvislover Member Posts: 6
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Some thing to help with washing !
    i can not reach my neck front or back and have to use a scrunchy on a wooden stick .But the stick starts to go mouldy after a few weeks in the shower ' then i have to hunt to find another one as no where sells them regularley.
    Also putting on face cream i have to use the back of my fingers and am limited how much of my face i can reach as i can not turn my wrists around .
    Also pulling off the little milk tabs on the big bottles .
    Doing up zips ' buttons anything at the back because you don't do backs with arthritus.
    pulling on boots or shoes ' your fingers crack and i end up going out in my croggies (thank god for croggies)
    brushing the back of my hair (a killer )but i'm not cutting it short because then the RA has won .
    The list is endless as any one with cronic RA will tell you

    Lets hope you come up with something brill
    Good Luck
  • katykat
    katykat Member Posts: 16
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Someone has already mentioned dropping things and recently I dropped a large dish of lasagne as I pulled it out of the oven. I was so lucky not to be burned but something to take the weight of hot and heavy dishes would be wonderful! :lol:
  • lindalegs
    lindalegs Member Posts: 5,399
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    elvislover wrote:
    Some thing to help with washing !
    i can not reach my neck front or back and have to use a scrunchy on a wooden stick .But the stick starts to go mouldy after a few weeks in the shower ' then i have to hunt to find another one as no where sells them regularley.
    Also putting on face cream i have to use the back of my fingers and am limited how much of my face i can reach as i can not turn my wrists around .
    Also pulling off the little milk tabs on the big bottles .
    Doing up zips ' buttons anything at the back because you don't do backs with arthritus.
    pulling on boots or shoes ' your fingers crack and i end up going out in my croggies (thank god for croggies)
    brushing the back of my hair (a killer )but i'm not cutting it short because then the RA has won .
    The list is endless as any one with cronic RA will tell you


    Hi Elivislover,
    I think I can help you a little with some of your problems. :D
    The scrunchy on a stick I use is plastic not wooden and therefore doesn't go mouldy at all - I'll send you a private email with the name of the chemist that supply them because I don't think we're allowed to advertise on these posts.
    Face cream - I use a fabric handkerchief and this tends to help with the distribution of the cream even though I too use the back of my fingers. I've also bought a little facial brush because I can't get to all the parts of my face - I'll also let you know the name of that shop of the PM.
    Front zips - I use a little piece of wood, about 4cm long, with a little hook screwed into the end.
    Buttons fasteners - you can buy from any shop that sells disabled aids, there is a knack to using them but I wouldn't do without mine.
    Shoes and boots have you tried a shoe horn, there are long handled varieties that could sort you out.
    Hair brushing - I have taped a hairbrush onto a coat hanger and that enables you to brush the back of your hair and you can also hang it in a cupboard when you're not using it!
    Love, Legs x
    'Make a life out of what you have, not what you're missing'
  • falman
    falman Member Posts: 2
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    lindalegs wrote:
    elvislover wrote:
    Some thing to help with washing !
    i can not reach my neck front or back and have to use a scrunchy on a wooden stick .But the stick starts to go mouldy after a few weeks in the shower ' then i have to hunt to find another one as no where sells them regularley.
    Also putting on face cream i have to use the back of my fingers and am limited how much of my face i can reach as i can not turn my wrists around .
    Also pulling off the little milk tabs on the big bottles .
    Doing up zips ' buttons anything at the back because you don't do backs with arthritus.
    pulling on boots or shoes ' your fingers crack and i end up going out in my croggies (thank god for croggies)
    brushing the back of my hair (a killer )but i'm not cutting it short because then the RA has won .
    The list is endless as any one with cronic RA will tell you


    Hi Elivislover,
    I think I can help you a little with some of your problems. :D
    The scrunchy on a stick I use is plastic not wooden and therefore doesn't go mouldy at all - I'll send you a private email with the name of the chemist that supply them because I don't think we're allowed to advertise on these posts.
    Face cream - I use a fabric handkerchief and this tends to help with the distribution of the cream even though I too use the back of my fingers. I've also bought a little facial brush because I can't get to all the parts of my face - I'll also let you know the name of that shop of the PM.
    Front zips - I use a little piece of wood, about 4cm long, with a little hook screwed into the end.
    Buttons fasteners - you can buy from any shop that sells disabled aids, there is a knack to using them but I wouldn't do without mine.
    Shoes and boots have you tried a shoe horn, there are long handled varieties that could sort you out.
    Hair brushing - I have taped a hairbrush onto a coat hanger and that enables you to brush the back of your hair and you can also hang it in a cupboard when you're not using it!
    for me its my knee not had any problems doing anything my problems seem nothing to a lot of people on here
  • perran74
    perran74 Member Posts: 3
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello - my main symptoms are feelings of inflammation in tissues - my fingers hurt when I clap my hands for any reason. I have had 2 hip replacements - the most recent being in May this year.I have always been an active person and the worst thing about the disease is - it slows me down!!! But hey ho there are worse things to have... :roll:
    Best wishes with your project.

    Sheila :wink:
  • anniethe1st
    anniethe1st Member Posts: 8
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    l have oa in both arms with limited move ment ,not being rude here but you have to see the funny side even tho at times its not ,but l could do with something that helps fasen my bra lol ,good luck
  • mash65
    mash65 Bots Posts: 834
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    l have oa in both arms with limited move ment ,not being rude here but you have to see the funny side even tho at times its not ,but l could do with something that helps fasen my bra lol ,good luck
    dont know if uv looked but young persons forum [ comfy shoes ] maybe an idea loads of people r finding problems get fashionable comfy shoes.may lead u 2 ideas on clothes etc. just a thought.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 3,635
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    On the subject of clothing you may want to take a look at the new 'sticky' thread at the top of this forum, called 'Share your fashion and beauty tips + FREE guide'.


  • lindalegs
    lindalegs Member Posts: 5,399
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    l have oa in both arms with limited move ment ,not being rude here but you have to see the funny side even tho at times its not ,but l could do with something that helps fasen my bra lol ,good luck

    Hi Ann,
    I always fasten my bra at the front then shuffle it round to the back and then put my arms in :? - if you see what I mean :D
    Luv Legs
    Love, Legs x
    'Make a life out of what you have, not what you're missing'
  • leighinmohr
    leighinmohr Member Posts: 2
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    Post edited with ref to house rule 2
    2: References to commercial companies and services

    We have no problem with users recommending products or services to each other. We all do this in everyday conversation. What we believe users do NOT want is to be sold things directly or indirectly in the forum. Deciding when this line is crossed is sometimes difficult and our moderators just have to make a judgement on occasions.

  • anniethe1st
    anniethe1st Member Posts: 8
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    lindalegs wrote:
    l have oa in both arms with limited move ment ,not being rude here but you have to see the funny side even tho at times its not ,but l could do with something that helps fasen my bra lol ,good luck

    Hi Ann,
    I always fasten my bra at the front then shuffle it round to the back and then put my arms in :? - if you see what I mean :D
    Luv Legs
    l fasten mine and shuffle it round as well ,but sometimes its just to painfull ,maybe l should buy a bra that fastens at the front,youve got to laugh tho,what a site l look.
  • lindalegs
    lindalegs Member Posts: 5,399
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Maybe we should all do the 60's liberation thing, burn our bras and let 'em swing girls :shock: :lol::lol::lol::lol:
    Luv Legs
    Love, Legs x
    'Make a life out of what you have, not what you're missing'
  • anniethe1st
    anniethe1st Member Posts: 8
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    lol oh dear if l did that l would trip up over then lol
    Ann :)
  • lindalegs
    lindalegs Member Posts: 5,399
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    lol oh dear if l did that l would trip up over then lol
    Ann :)

    I think you're just showing off now Ann :shock: :!: :D:D:D
    Luv Legs
    Love, Legs x
    'Make a life out of what you have, not what you're missing'
  • elvislover
    elvislover Member Posts: 6
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    wow thanks i will use the wood with a screw for def i hate zips and i have found a shop that sell the plastic scrunchies thanks
    I have the shoe horn from ikea but it's still hard work getting my boots on .I have had RA for over 30 years and it's nice to find new ways to do things .
    My 13 year old daughter has taken over my hair so i'm lucky to have her
    Thank you for your tips anyway
    Every little helps as they say :D
  • plmb48
    plmb48 Member Posts: 125
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    Hello, I'm currently doing my GCSE Coursework at school for OCR GCSE. I've opted to design and make a product to help people with arthritis or similar conditions. My choice has been heavily influenced by the fact my grandfather is a sufferer. However I am not yet sure exactly what I will attempt to create and I need to find out what people have problems doing and then come up with a solution for it, so it would help me greatly if anyone could help simply by listing a few problems that they face due to arthritis.

    Thank You very much,

    bet you didnt realise what a can of worms you opened on this site we all need help with everything we do from getting up togoing to bed good luck :):):):)
  • 1962sara
    1962sara Member Posts: 22
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Something to help pull a tubular support bandage on my wrist would be good - impossible task.

    Great project - well done!

  • 1962sara
    1962sara Member Posts: 22
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Think positively Ann - we would all look years younger as it would drag all the wrinkles out of our faces lol

  • alders
    alders Member Posts: 1
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    What I could really do with is something to help open child proof medicine bottles, I find it impossible to have to push down and twist the lid at the same time. Also I struggle to open toilet cleaner bottles too or similar products where you have to squeeze both sides of the lid with your fingers and twist to open. Aaagggghhhh
  • hazelm
    hazelm Member Posts: 25
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    great topic, yes we all suffer with most things, especially the things we need everyday, that little foil cap on the milk has to come off with my teeth ooh! not good when you've got fillings, also I struggle with shower gell, not a pretty site trying to squeeze it between my knees, :oops: but we laugh, sometimes, or else we would cry.
  • shezza
    shezza Member Posts: 39
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    hi i find i suffer from a lot of the things mentioned here but i find i also struggle locking and unlocking doors using a key.
  • susie51
    susie51 Member Posts: 57
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    1962sara wrote:
    Something to help pull a tubular support bandage on my wrist would be good - impossible task.

    Great project - well done!


    Hi Sara I gave up on the tubular supports and gone over to the velcro fastenings which I can also adjust according to how swolen my joints are.
  • susie51
    susie51 Member Posts: 57
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    hazelm wrote:
    great topic, yes we all suffer with most things, especially the things we need everyday, that little foil cap on the milk has to come off with my teeth ooh! not good when you've got fillings, also I struggle with shower gell, not a pretty site trying to squeeze it between my knees, :oops: but we laugh, sometimes, or else we would cry.
    Oh my lord yes Hazel the milk bottle foil caps get me everytime! :x I think I have an electric version of every household utensil known to man but this one :roll: ....
  • mouseymousey
    mouseymousey Member Posts: 283
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    So many of the above! Tried to fill the car up and couldn't get the cap off. I think I've devised all sorts of ways to cope over a period of time? I have a plastic glass instead of glass (if you see what I mean) as I have broken and smashed so many of our plates and glasses over time?
  • luckybug
    luckybug Member Posts: 205
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    My biggest problem is pulling my pants up and down and bra on, although my skirt coat hanger comes in handy for pushing the straps up, but I could do with something to stop them falling down all the time....as I cannot fit the coat hanger in my handbag when I go out.