Flare up and time of the month
Member Posts: 275
Hi everyone
I know we have talked about this before - but would like to get peoples thoughts.
I came on 3 weeks ago and I had a massive flare at the same time. This resulted in spending 4 days in bed, really dosed up on co-codamal. Before this I had been relatively well for about 10 weeks with vitually no pain and bags of energy.
I have been in pain for the past 2 days and then today I have come on again - no even 3 weeks since my last period and I am in so much pain again.
It may be coincidence - but it is frustrating. Are the 2 linked, is there anything that can be done? Hopefully it will not be as bad as last time but my wrist is agony.
I am going to see my Rheumy in 3 weeks - so may mention it to her.
any one got any tips? I do take evening primrose oil and I think that helps.
Thanks in advance
Take care everyone
Fayann xxxx
I know we have talked about this before - but would like to get peoples thoughts.
I came on 3 weeks ago and I had a massive flare at the same time. This resulted in spending 4 days in bed, really dosed up on co-codamal. Before this I had been relatively well for about 10 weeks with vitually no pain and bags of energy.
I have been in pain for the past 2 days and then today I have come on again - no even 3 weeks since my last period and I am in so much pain again.
It may be coincidence - but it is frustrating. Are the 2 linked, is there anything that can be done? Hopefully it will not be as bad as last time but my wrist is agony.
I am going to see my Rheumy in 3 weeks - so may mention it to her.
any one got any tips? I do take evening primrose oil and I think that helps.
Thanks in advance
Take care everyone
Fayann xxxx
Rainbow77 wrote:Hi everyone
I know we have talked about this before - but would like to get peoples thoughts.
I came on 3 weeks ago and I had a massive flare at the same time. This resulted in spending 4 days in bed, really dosed up on co-codamal. Before this I had been relatively well for about 10 weeks with vitually no pain and bags of energy.
I have been in pain for the past 2 days and then today I have come on again - no even 3 weeks since my last period and I am in so much pain again.
It may be coincidence - but it is frustrating. Are the 2 linked, is there anything that can be done? Hopefully it will not be as bad as last time but my wrist is agony.
I am going to see my Rheumy in 3 weeks - so may mention it to her.
any one got any tips? I do take evening primrose oil and I think that helps.
Thanks in advance
Take care everyone
Fayann xxxx
Hi Fayann, Oh my god, I dread it every month. I know I'm going to have a major flare up all over. I always hope its going to fall on a weekend when im off work and can pull the duvet over my head.
It really is only painkillers, and my tens machine on my back and belly that relieve it, I havn't mentioned it to my rhuemmy doc, I find myself running out, (sorry hobbling out after my steroid injections)
thats if I dont burst in to tears everytime I see him and catch him looking at me like I have two heads, I hope its not to bad for you, although I know it is, It cant just be you and me with this prob. Its the most depressing time for us, but hey hon, when wer'e well, we're on fireluv deb
0 -
I have mentioned this to my rheumy (a lady) and she says the two are def linked. The hormones released naturally cause the joints to loosen and hence easier for inflammation to make itself at home.
I had period problems before starting methotrexate (dont get the Mirena coil, makes joints worse believe me, had it removed 6 months later). Gynae presecribed 2 drugs as periods are now lasting 14 days and only have 10 days inbetween.
Every time they put MTX up (now on 25mg) periods got heavier. But BEWARE as one of the drugs cannot be taken with MTX!!!!!!!! Luckily pharmacist is customer of mine and knew to check against MTX carefully. I take Transexamic Acid (prescription only) for the bad cramps and it works. Is the same ingredient as in Femminax but much higher dose. Not sure if it helps with joints but helps in other department.
Been offered a hysterectomy but declined so due to have ablation therapy in Jan. Hopefully will put an end to the scenes from the Godfather in the bed on a morning (sorry boys if you are delicate).
Rheumy says no known fix for the connection between flare and period. Had worst flare during period in Feb and ankle still weak and tender. She says just to keep banging the Naproxen down throat and pray for menopause :roll:
HTH0 -
I have smal flares with my period. I'm on the pill to help with bad cramps and PMS but have noticed that since having RA it has been less effective at controling my PMS symptoms.0
My 24 year-old son talked to our GP about his chance of contracting arthritis because I've had it since an early age. He was told that RA is an estrogen based disease and that's why women are more prone to it than men so the chances of him getting it were quite slim. As it's hormone linked this will be why we feel quite poorly around our period I'd have thought.
Also I've been using the mirena coil for 9 years now and although it does have the hormone in haven't found that it affects my joints at all - I think it's a great contraceptive and you get lighter almost non existent periods into the bargain.
Luv LegsLove, Legs x
'Make a life out of what you have, not what you're missing'0 -
Hi Legs
That was the plan when i went onto Mirena, lighter periods etc. Just made me feel terrible and periods were more frequent! :shock: Gynae consultant said this can happen but since MTX is known to mess periods up it wasn't worth the side effects to persevere. Seems I just have plain awkard body :?0 -
Hi Fayann
I have had exactly the same as you have described - not quite three weeks between my periods and feel totally drained of energy and my joints are playing up big time. But I suffer with iron levels anyway (another symptom of RA) and of course heavy, frequent periods don't help.
I definitely believe there is a connection between our hormones and RA. I am just clinging to the fact that once my mother had gone through the change her joint problems ceased. However, she didn't suffer as badly as me and was certainly never put on mtx sulpha or any other nasty medication. But this is the one hope I am clinging to.
Can I just check, those that think their hormones play a part in their RA - are you all RA negative like myself?
x0 -
NooNoo - I'm RF positive and have been since diagnosis. Don't know if that helps your theory?! I think it's a combo of RA meds and the disease itself which plays around with my menstruation cycle and symptoms. I know it's something I need to bring up with my GP next time I see him though.0
RA negative and same symptoms0
on a related topic, am i the only one who has problems with certain products used for af? the wrappers on them are really hard to undo, especially when you have to twist to unwrap them, i can't do it. am i alone with this?!!
sorry, but i have often wandered why they change wrappers? makes me all grrrry!0 -
Hi everyone
Thanks for your replies. I have Reactive Arthur - most of you know that.
Ok - will look into the eastogen thing - do we have too much, too little? I wander if there are things we can do to help balance it out.
Well it is the third day of dribbling, a bit more today!! Just want it to get going!! I woke up knowing that I have been arguing with people in my sleep. I definitely got out of bed the wrong side this morning.
I did make it to church but I just could not cope! everything was annoying me, and I could not talk to anyone. I sat through it but wanted to leave. So walked out just before the end. I just need to be on my own. I don't normally get this bad, I can't stop crying and just need a couple of painkillers and the sofa!! I am usually life and sould of the party and full of it - but I felt like I could not even fake it today!!
So thanks for all your support. I will let you know when it is safe to go out!!!
I will mention it when I go and see my rheumy.
Take care and enjoy the rest of the weekend.0 -
sending you lots of hugs,
only just seen this post - sorry you feel like this - I know I feel awful at that time too.
However, my hubby says that i am worse the week leading up to it, as I get very crabby (me :shock: surely not!!!!) and can't stop raiding the kitchen cupboards for all kinds of carbohydrates! Then my joints protest too, so i can't win!0 -
suzster wrote:on a related topic, am i the only one who has problems with certain products used for af? the wrappers on them are really hard to undo, especially when you have to twist to unwrap them, i can't do it. am i alone with this?!!
sorry, but i have often wandered why they change wrappers? makes me all grrrry!
Ialso struggle with opening the wrappers and i changed from them to using the type that once you open the packet you can just take a towel out but i then found that they arent as hygenic as the "wrapped ones " when you out and about .So i guess they both do the job but heres is minuses and plusses as to which one to use .
Sheila0 -
Hi Fayann,
Thank you for bring this subject up, I too get really bad flare ups when I am due on!!! And they are getting worse ( the flare ups!) I have always had a prob with contraceptives as they made me am monster, so no one would come near me anyway unless they were VERY brave, so kinda negated the need for contraceptives really, lol.
Unfortunately in August when I dedecided to take METHOTREXATE I had a merina (sp?) coil fitted.........it deff helped with the PMT but the METH made me depressed...........and the flare ups have been the worst ever! It's hard to tell 'which' is the culprit !!!! The drugs the extra hormone inplant or the natural hormones..........I have asked my consultant about this and he just agreed that a lot of women reported this fact to him............kinda makes me wish he had same hormones...........as I'm sure if his testical dropped off each month he'd find a solution super fast, quicker at least than he seems to be in helping me find my soloution, lol So he's taken me off the Meth'.........just as well i suppose as I've lost a lot of hair too ( which sounds fickle but it was my crowning glory and a sign of my femininity, so, feeling like 80, with hair loss and bumbling around in pain........was not a good combo AT ALL............... Will look avidly now to see if you get any good advice or tips on hormones............the balancing of, as it were...........I mean, if I'm OK for 18 days of the month, what levels have I floating around at that time that changes so dramatically for the rest of the month?????? that stuffs up my body so..............
thinking of you.............me in same boat chick............not much comfort but some I hope.........I'll also scan the web and see if I can research some more info for us. Take Care, Tam xxxRainbow77 wrote:Hi everyone
I know we have talked about this before - but would like to get peoples thoughts.
I came on 3 weeks ago and I had a massive flare at the same time. This resulted in spending 4 days in bed, really dosed up on co-codamal. Before this I had been relatively well for about 10 weeks with vitually no pain and bags of energy.
I have been in pain for the past 2 days and then today I have come on again - no even 3 weeks since my last period and I am in so much pain again.
It may be coincidence - but it is frustrating. Are the 2 linked, is there anything that can be done? Hopefully it will not be as bad as last time but my wrist is agony.
I am going to see my Rheumy in 3 weeks - so may mention it to her.
any one got any tips? I do take evening primrose oil and I think that helps.
Thanks in advance
Take care everyone
Fayann xxxxEnergy is eternal delight.
William Blake (1757-1827)
Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint.
Mark Twain0 -
Here's my rant on this subject sisters!!!!....
If men had periods they would have found a cure!!!!! Am I right or am I right!!! :x :x :x :x0 -
Hi ladies
Can I just add my experience? I have OA and Sjogren's syndrome, so might be different to the ladies with RA, but my pains first flared following my surgical menopause.
I know that trauma can trigger arthur, and I was slighty traumatised by the speed in which it happened :shock: but 9 months later when I begged my GP for hrt, the pain became more bearable. In fact, one day I missed the hrt (oestrogen only) and I could barely walk with the pain.
So, I guess I think that low oestrogen levels are certainly responsible for some of our pain. I think premenstrually, progesterone is higher than oestrogen in the second half of the cycle, so that makes sense to me.
(aka Katybarstool, who has had to change her name to log in!)0 -
I thought it was just me, now I realise it's all part of having RA. Yeah I too suffer around the time of the month. I have started to notice that before a bad flare up I'm very emotional for a few days before.0
Was interested to read this topic. I have noticed that since having RA my periods have become more frequent - every 3 weeks or less instead of 4. Also, instead of just starting like they used to, I have a few days of light bleeding building up to the proper period. I was wondering what was wrong and had not linked it to the RA. In some ways it's good to know it's probably due to the RA and not something else that's wrong with me, but then I think to myself what other problems is this horrible disease going to give me? Hadn't noticed the pain being worse around my period as am in pain still every day (drugs not working yet), but will see in future if there is a link.
Chris0 -
I am also having problems wih periods and flares, for about a year now my periods have become very irregular. I can go 3 wks then six weeks but from about the 4th wk i get stomach cramps etc. this last period has worried me alot though i have gone 10 wks but from 4wks i have had the stomach cramps really bad pain in my groins and bad pains down both my legs where i could not stand or sit down for the pain. I spent most of xmas and the new year in pain with this besides aching all over. I was wondering if maybe i am going through the menopause (i am 42) but surley i shound not be in all this pain in my groins and legs??????????
Any ideas?
Michelle0 -
Hi everyone, I read with interest your comments and find I have similar symptons.
Every month, I have extreme pain in groin, hip and legs, like they are being pulled out of me and I am completely drained. Dr was not sure why as I have never had these probs before my youngest girl is 5 1/2 now.
I end up taking strong pain killers, putting up with it during the day and moving around quite a bit to take my mind of it (impossible really) and then going to bed early with more pain killers and hot water bottles.
I dread my monthly now and unfortunately it just started today!!!0 -
Hi everyone
Am new to the forum and had to reply to this - I am RF negative and suffer terribly one week a month.javascript:emoticon(':(') Have mentioned it to my Rheumy but he didn't really comment. I too would love to find something to help with this, no matter how settled the arthritis is I always flare then and my joints feel more 'brittle'.
I am currently on humira 40mg weekly (have been on methotrexate, enbrel, arava and plaquenil). This has me fairly stable at the mo, but fatique is still a problem - especially keeping up with the children.
Maddy0 -
you are totally right! men would never cope with periods and my hubby would moan about the price of sanitory items, lol, sorry, but he'd be getting his from charity shops on the cheap if he could, or checking online for the cheapest place to buy!! can you get them on auction sites!?0
This is an interesting subject as there is alot of us ladies with the same problem but with no answers!!!!!!!!!!!!
There must be a link somewhere, it cant be a certain arthur as i have PA and many have different i also have fibro i am on 20mg MTX amitrip and tremadol.
Think its worth asking doc nxt visit and see what we all find out.
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