Question for Redpoppy

magenta Member Posts: 1,604
edited 13. Nov 2008, 18:02 in Living with Arthritis archive
Hello Redpoppy,
Hope you don't mind me asking you some stuff :)
I was reading the 'who are we roll call' and I read your post. I was wondering about the sausage finger theory and was interested to hear your drs opinion on this. I have had this for years in right hand, middle finger and now from time to time, getting it in other fingers too. I have never been given an explanation for this. Typically whenever I've had an appt. with drs, the swelling isn't there! I've also put on a topic with regards psoriatic arthritis and the link with sero-ve arthur. I'm just wondering if I could actually have psoriatic arthritis :shock: I also have 'ridging' on nails but have had this for over 10yrs!!!! I get itchy skin as well and only recently have had a small, red, dry patch on the inside of arm :? Does any of this make any sense to you?
Magenta x


  • poppy30
    poppy30 Member Posts: 67
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I'm not redpoppy... but wanted to post a reply as your symptoms sound very familiar to me!

    I have psoriatic arthritis and the "sausage-like" toes and fingers are a common indicator of this type of arthur. I get swelling on the end joints of my fingers and toes which can be unbelievably painful and tender to the softest touch. :x
    The nail damage is another thing I suffer with and at it's worse, my nails have separated from the nail beds and look really nasty (nail varnish is such a saviour!!!) :lol:
    The patch of dry skin could be just that but psoriasis can also develop as single patches or "plaques".

    Not sure if any of this info is helpful and apologies if I've interupted :oops: but just wanted to reply as like I said your symptoms sounded very similar to mine.

    If you want to chat further, let me know. :)

    Poppy xx
  • redpoppy
    redpoppy Member Posts: 108
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    magenta wrote:
    Hello Redpoppy,
    Hope you don't mind me asking you some stuff :)
    I was reading the 'who are we roll call' and I read your post. I was wondering about the sausage finger theory and was interested to hear your drs opinion on this. I have had this for years in right hand, middle finger and now from time to time, getting it in other fingers too. I have never been given an explanation for this. Typically whenever I've had an appt. with drs, the swelling isn't there! I've also put on a topic with regards psoriatic arthritis and the link with sero-ve arthur. I'm just wondering if I could actually have psoriatic arthritis :shock: I also have 'ridging' on nails but have had this for over 10yrs!!!! I get itchy skin as well and only recently have had a small, red, dry patch on the inside of arm :? Does any of this make any sense to you?
    Magenta x
    ...hi magenta,well it could be possible you have PA as like i said my rhuemy thought i had RA up untill this last year and half,he said he cudnt understand why the ends of my fingers were affected.he said i had sausage fingers so thinks its PA now.i only have psoriasis on my scalp, so it could be possible your rash could point to that.i was suprised as i didnt make a connection with the two things.i have a fixed finger,swan finger and a trigger finger.i do suffer with my tendons too.i think you should mention your worrys with your rheumy and you might get a proper diagnosis.good luck.
  • magenta
    magenta Member Posts: 1,604
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hiya Poppy,
    Thanks for the reply. This is great news for me regarding sausage finger! My whole finger swells up and like you, is very sore to touch! I'm due to attend a rhuemy appt. on 24th of this month and I will definitely be bringing this up. I have been asked about nails in the past but the drs didn't seem that bothered-they're not that bad but I do get self-concious about it enough that I file them over-if that makes sense-to try and smooth them out :? The patch of skin was very,very dry and developed a crust on it before settling. Dunno if that sounds like psoriasis?
    Thanks for replying to me, I may bother you again (if that's ok :wink: ),
    Magenta x
  • magenta
    magenta Member Posts: 1,604
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Redpoppy,
    Thanks to you too for replying to my post. I always find this site amazing to hear how others get on with their rhuemy appts. and it just makes me more convinced that any I've had in the past have been rubbish! :lol:
    I don't relish the idea of having PA cos psoriasis must be a real annoyance , on top of arthur! I'm not saying I do but at least I would have an answer to all my problems. When I get sore fingers and hands, my fingers all tend to bend in towards my palm and it's very painful to try and straighten them-is this to do with tendons? I dunno? Also, Poppy and Redpoppy, do you have itchy skin? Just thought I'd ask :wink: Cheers again,
    Magenta x
  • redpoppy
    redpoppy Member Posts: 108
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    magenta wrote:
    Hello Redpoppy,
    Thanks to you too for replying to my post. I always find this site amazing to hear how others get on with their rhuemy appts. and it just makes me more convinced that any I've had in the past have been rubbish! :lol:
    I don't relish the idea of having PA cos psoriasis must be a real annoyance , on top of arthur! I'm not saying I do but at least I would have an answer to all my problems. When I get sore fingers and hands, my fingers all tend to bend in towards my palm and it's very painful to try and straighten them-is this to do with tendons? I dunno? Also, Poppy and Redpoppy, do you have itchy skin? Just thought I'd ask :wink: Cheers again,
    Magenta x
    ....hi magenta,yes my fingers do the same bend in towards my palm.if i put pressure on my tendon leading to my index finger i can feel a grateing sensation in the palm of my feels weird and rhuemy told me people with RA dont usualy get swollen fingers at the ends like people with PA.i do get itchy skin too.i must say my rhuemy has been very good i cant complain.also we have 2 nurses at the hospital if we need help and cant get to see the man himself.
  • coralbangle
    coralbangle Member Posts: 18
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Magenta,

    I also have itchy skin. I use a pro age body wash for every day use. At times of extreme discomfort vaseline intensive rescue moisture locking lotion. best used on damp skin. Avoid rubbing skin, pat dry after showers etc.

    The tendons in both my thumbs are inflamed, also the achilles tendon in my ankles and just to complete picture in my right elbow. yippie my left is okay. :D

    I never mentioned I do have PA. hope this helped.

  • poppy30
    poppy30 Member Posts: 67
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Glad you found the post helpful... feel free to message me whenever you like! I find this site sooooo great as within a few minutes of posting with a question/concern/general moan loads of peeps are quick to offer their support and suggestions. :D

    I totally understand what you mean about your nails... I never really wanted to mention them to my GP or rheumy as I didn't realise there was a link. Always thought I had some weird fungal infection going on and was too embarrassed to ask for help :oops: .... so it was a relief when my rheumy made me remove my nail varnish and reassured me that not only was the damage due to arthur but also that it was treatable with meds!!! :D

    Might be worth checking out what ingredients are in the moisturisers you use. For years I have been using big tubs of E45 cream and my skin has always been itchy. A colleague of mine suggested that I change to one without lanolin as many people can have an adverse reaction. Sure enough, since replacing all my lotions and potions for ones without lanolin, I have noticed a big improvement.

    Hope you get some clearer answers from your rheumy soon and keep us posted!

    Poppy x
  • redpoppy
    redpoppy Member Posts: 108
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    hi poppy30,how you feeling without your medication?hope your not too bad.
  • magenta
    magenta Member Posts: 1,604
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello all,
    Thanks again to everyone for posting me :wink: I see this written all the time but I just want to say what lovely people you all are :)
    Coralbangle-I'm terrible with skin creams, I'm soooo lazy (and sore) that I don't use anything! Guess that's why my skin is so itchy!

    Thanks everybody,
    Magenta x
  • poppy30
    poppy30 Member Posts: 67
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Redpoppy - thanks for asking... not doing great without the meds unfortunately! :cry: Won't take over this thread with my moans.... might start a new one!!! :lol:

    Poppy x
  • redpoppy
    redpoppy Member Posts: 108
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    poppy30 wrote:
    Redpoppy - thanks for asking... not doing great without the meds unfortunately! :cry: Won't take over this thread with my moans.... might start a new one!!! :lol:

    Poppy x
    hi poppy,sorry to hear your not doing to well without your must be such a scary thing to come off them.but i know it will be worth it in the end,starting a family is very exiting. :)
  • poppy30
    poppy30 Member Posts: 67
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Redpoppy - I am mostly excited about starting a family... just having a few low days at the moment but reminding myself that I could be a Mummy next year!!! :D:D:D I've just noticed on your intro post that you're due to start Humira soon..... has that happened yet? I had an amazing response to Humira and noticed significant improvements in my PA and psoriasis within a month... hope this happens for you too!!!

    Poppy x
  • redpoppy
    redpoppy Member Posts: 108
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    hi poppy30,yes i think you have to try and focus on the fact that maybe next year you could be a mummy.i know it must be hard when you are feeling so lucky because my PA started when my youngest was i didnt have to make the descion to come off medication like you waiting for a phone call from my nurse about starting on could be another 3weeks,to check my results from blood test,throat swab and x-rays and to get the funding exited but a little scared.but im willing to give it a go as nothing else seems to be working.anyway hope you feel better the next few days.