Result interview

woodbon Member Posts: 4,969
No, did't get the job. Thought so, as its been a while, but still feel positive and not too down hearted, although it would have been nice.... Still, I'd be very lucky to get the first job I've applied for. Have another application in but otherwise, I think I'll wait to for the result of my mri, which I have next week and my injections in my hands on 24th. Also, maybe occy health soon, and see what hr have to say; re-deployment, my manager thinks. Back and hands very achy today, so I'll stop now. Thanks everyone for your support, it REALLY helps lol Sue xxx


  • magenta
    magenta Member Posts: 1,604
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Sue,
    Sorry to hear about the job. Glad to hear you're not downhearted at all. There's a job for you out there and you'll find it! A better one will come along soon :)
    Magenta x
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,658
    edited 30. Nov -1, 00:00
    Hi Sue
    Well done for even going for it. Sorry you didn't get it :(
    You are right though - firts application and all that. Mri results would be good then you'll know more.
    Occy health has to be explored yet too as you rightly say.
    Good luck for that and 24th
    Toni x