Meeting manager tomorrow............need some advice

parky2 Member Posts: 52
Hi All

I am currently off sick at the moment due to RA (have only just been diagnosed) I have asked my manager to meet me tomorrow to 'keep her in the loop' so to speak. She sent me a text message this morning asking me to bring any supporting evidence from my consultant.............ummmm what?! Im not really too sure what she means by this!

I have asked my gp if I can have a copy of the letter he received from Rheumatologist but wont know until tomorrow morning if this is possible. I also have an appointment with OT on friday, should I ask for a copy of what is sent back to my GP to be sent to me aswell incase my manager wants to see me?

Im really really dreading this meeting tomorrow and am so worried so any advice would be greatfully appreciated!



  • magenta
    magenta Member Posts: 1,604
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I may be too late for this! This sounds a bit odd. I don't know why she would need any such letter. I don't know what line of work you're in? I would ask her why she wants evidence-in a nice way :wink: Anything else that happens between you and Drs and anyone else is your business. Have you asked for advice from help-line? That might be an idea. I feel rotten for you. When I was diagnosed with arthur, I was the first in a long line of people at my work to have health probs and I don't think they really knew what to do with me. I have an Occupational Health Dept. where I work and they were invaluable. Have you got something similar? Try and treat your meeting as a general chat and don't say anything about length of sickness you might have-you could be back to work sooner than you think. When I was first diagnosed I had visions of being off for months at a time but this wasn't the case. Hope this helps and don't worry!
    Magenta x
  • magenta
    magenta Member Posts: 1,604
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Just wondering how you're doing. How did your meeting go? Hope you are well :)
    Magenta x
  • parky2
    parky2 Member Posts: 52
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi All

    Sorry I didnt come back before now. Been feeling a little down. My meeting went well..................well as well as can be expected I suppose.

    My manager was lovely, but I did feel like she was maybe somewhat pressuring me to give her a date as to when I would be returning to work.............which is something I couldnt do. We agreed that I wouldnt be able to return to do all of the duties I did previously. She said that in this case I would have to be referred to occupational health........which I was totally fine with except now I have got an appointment for next thursday and I feel sick at the very thought of it.

    Can anyone offer any advice as to what will happen at this appointment? What will they do? What are they there to decide?

    Thank you for all your help

    L xoxox
  • magenta
    magenta Member Posts: 1,604
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Parky,
    Sorry that you've been feeling down-hope you're feeling better?

    My last proper appt. with Occy Health with regards arthritis was about 6yrs ago. From what I remember, I was referred to them via manager (Manager referral instead of self referral). He wanted to help me and I agreed to the appt. OH were very helpful and they wanted to see if there were any special requirements needed in workplace. It was agreed to do same duties ( I work in 5 different areas within a hospital pharmacy ) but in certain areas the time was reduced ie. instead of 4wks Mon to Fri 9 to 5 in same area, I done half days then moved somewhere else for the other half of day. Some duties were stopped but I've been lucky in that it didn't affect my pay etc (only probs were other staff-that's another story!) They also referred me to staff physio and through them, 'Access to Work'. I got a special chair and a trolley thing to use in work. OH should try and help you with staying at work.
    As to your duties, maybe by the time you are fit to go back to work, you might still be able to carry out all your duties but not for as long each day? Hope this helps and you can contact me anytime you want a chat about things :wink:
    Magenta x
  • livinglegend
    livinglegend Member Posts: 1,425
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    parky2 wrote:
    My manager was lovely, but I did feel like she was maybe somewhat pressuring me to give her a date as to when I would be returning to work, which is something I couldnt do. We agreed that I wouldnt be able to return to do all of the duties I did previously. She said that in this case I would have to be referred to occupational health, which I was totally fine with except now I have got an appointment for next thursday and I feel sick at the very thought of it.
    What are they there to decide?
    L xoxox

    I think that your manager wanted to know when you would be returning in case they needed to plan a long-term replacement to cover your work or not. :?
    If someone has been ill and is not returning to their normal duties, it is a requirement that they can only be offered suitable alternative work. That is most likely why you have been referred. Occy Health would have been better able to decide what work, if they had guidance or more information from people who are familiar with your case, ie. your doc or rheumy. :D

    I do hope that things are OK and you don't feel too upset about it.

    Joseph 8)
  • woodbon
    woodbon Member Posts: 4,969
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi, I can understand how you feel, as I am in a similar situation. You have done the right thing to keep your manager informed, you keeping her up to date will let her know that you are concerned, and it helps to build up the relationship between you. My manager sent me to occy health and I have just been this week. My husband came with me for support and he has a better memory! I saw a doctor and he talked to me about what I could and could't do, how much pain I had, medications and coping. He agreed that at the moment I am not fit to work in my present job. He asked me to sign to allow him to contact my GP for her records on the condition and my test results etc. He explained that he had to do this before making a recommendation. He is seeing me again in 2 months time. He was friendly, sympathetic and understanding. I was still upset when I came home, because of the illness, not his treatment. If you can, take someone with you, they can remember more and give you support. I hope this helps, sorry its so long. Love Sue.
  • parky2
    parky2 Member Posts: 52
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I want to thank you all so much for your wonderful replies. Just knowing that there is someone else out there who 'understands' how I feel makes things so much better. Although I wouldnt wish how I feel at the minute on my worst enemy!

    My daddy is going to come with me (unfortunatealy hubby cant keep getting out of work to come to all my appointments and I would rather he was there at the rheumy ones) I wasnt sure however if they would let my daddy come in with me. Im not very good at things like this and the way I feel at the moment I fear I would probably get upset.

    I will come back and update you all after my appointment, fingers crossed (well I would if I could) that things go ok.

  • magenta
    magenta Member Posts: 1,604
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Wishing you all the best,
    Magenta x
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Parky
    How did you get on?
    I had my fingers crossed (to the best of my ability and as often as I could!)
    I hope all went well
    Toni x
  • parky2
    parky2 Member Posts: 52
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi All

    Well Im back. OT was very nice and quite understanding, although Im not entirely sure he fully grasped what my job entails. He basically said that they would get measures in place for things like a manual handling assessment and a work station assessment. He also said that he will be recommending reduced hours for a period of time. He said that he would get these things put into place and would also send a copy of the reccommendations he was making to my own GP.

    Now this leaves me with another question............ :roll: again I hear you ask! lol

    Ok........well my current sick line takes me until 30th December, I have an appointment with my GP on 29th. Last week I was all set to go back to work on 30th however after having a few 'busy days' I feel like Im going backwards.

    I have another appointment with Rheumy on 21st Jan to start my DMARDS ( :cry: big or meds :cry: ) and really Im not too sure what to do. Do I wait until the provision has been put in place to do the assessments or do I go back to work and hope that it doesnt take too long to sort them out?

    Oh Im so confused!!!